Sunday, November 1, 2009

Breastfeeding And Bottle Feeding - my experience

We have recently had some very negative feedback about the information provided on this page of our site - some of which has been rather abusive to say the least! Despite the tone in which it is delivered, we welcome feedback and take on board everything that is expressed to us. There were some comments made on the site which were based on personal experience and opinions (aren't we all entitled to this?) - that may have appeared to be pro formula and anti breastfeeding - which of course is not our intention. We do apologise that these comments have offended some people and as a result they have been removed.

I wish to make it clear that we are neither pro breastfeeding or pro formula feeding. We are merely trying to provide information (including personal experiences) and chemical free products for those mothers who can not, or choose not to breastfeed.

Like most things in life, the choice to breastfeed is a personal one, but sadly not a choice that all mothers are presented with. I solely breastfed my beautiful angel from the second she was born, however after a couple of weeks I visited my lactation nurse and was horrified to find that she had lost a considerable about of weight. Honestly, it was one of the worst days of my life - I felt I was a failure as a mother. I was reduced to tears, my poor baby - she must be so hungry - how could I let this happen! I fed her as often as I humanly could, but unfortunately I was unable to produce enough milk to satisfy her - particularly as she was a very large bubba (10 pounds 7 at birth). I ate well, took vitamins and herbs such as blessed thistle and fenugreek to help my flow, but unfortunately I still did not produce enough. It was suggested to me that I could take a particular drug to assist with my milk flow, but I have a strong anti drug policy (particularly when breastfeeding!) so this was not an option for me.

My lactation nurse recommend that I supplement feed her with formula, and within a week she had gained weight, started sleeping well, and I started to regain my sanity. I continued to feed her with both bottle and breast until she was ready to be weaned, and whilst I adored breastfeeding her - she was never as satisfied after a breastfeed as she was after a bottle feed. This would not be the case for everyone of course - but it was certainly the case for me. Of course, I suffered a great degree of guilt and a sense of failure that I could not solely breastfeed her - but as I watched her thrive and develop in to a beautiful healthy child, I knew that all that mattered was she was happy and healthy - regardless of where she was getting her milk from.

She is now 2 and a half and she has never been sick - despite being unimmunised - and is the most beautiful, healthy. happy child in the world (well, we think so anyway). From 12 weeks old, she has slept 12 hours straight every night, and 2 hours every day, she has no allergies, is tall and strong, and is as bright as a spark. Now - there is no doubt that my child enjoys the blessing of optimum health due to her being breastfed - however I have to say that I believe formula also provided her with wonderful nutrients, and prevented her from being hungry. I received a comment from on lady who claimed that formula fed babies are "deprived". Of course I find this comment highly offensive - as would all mothers who formula feed. My child has never, and will never be "deprived" of anything - especially nutrients! So, I have to say that feeding my precious angel with formula was in no way detrimental to her health. But again - this is simply my experience.

Unfortunately, when I was struggling with breastfeeding and trying to find the most natural way of bottle feeding my child - there were very few sites that sold organic formula and it was almost impossible to find baby bottles that did not contain Bisphenol A in them. This, was one of the main reasons we had for starting this business. I want to be able to provide those mothers who can't, or choose not to breastfeed - with chemcial free alternatives - and help alleviate the guilt they may suffer as a result of not breastfeeding.

I have many friends and customers who have had differing experiences with breastfeeding. Some have breastfed up until their children are 2, some until 6 months, some, like me have breast and bottle fed, and some have chosen not to breastfeed at all. Whilst I may not agree with some of their decisions, I still embrace them and understand that this is a very sensitive subject for some mothers - therefore I would never dream of criticising them for the choices they have made. Acceptance brings peace. And lets be honest - the last thing we need in those first few months of parenthood is criticism. So, next time you see a baby being fed from the breast, or from the bottles, smile, and be happy that that child has someone to love and care for it and that it is being nourished.

Love and light


Further information:

Australian Breast Feeding Association - here
Information regarding formula - here
Information regarding herbs that may assist with milk flow - here
A wonderful lady Michelle who lives in our local area in far north NSW, who offers incredible advice on all things bubba related - here
World Health Organisation information on breastfeeding - here
Australian Government information on bottle feeding - here
All about the pros and cons of bottle and breastfeeding - here

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Shopping For Mother Earth - The How To Guide

1. Stop the shop: grow your own vegetables.
2. Use a bag: keep your shopping trip short by using a bag instead of a trolley.
3. Smart shopper: do not buy products with palm oil and that are genetically modified.
4. BYO bag: ditch the plastic for something a little cooler, see eco-bags.
5. Wasted on food: buy only what you need.
6. Bulk foods and natural cleaning products: save on food miles and reduce packaging by eating local foods and by buying highly concentrated natural cleaning products.
7. Organic: rid the world of fossil fuel thirsty pesticides and eat organic foods.
8. Fresh foods: avoid processed foods as huge amounts of energy are used in the packaging of foods.
9. Seasonal food: only eat what is in season, this will reduce the need to have food stored (storage emissions) and of course reduces transport emissions.
10. Walk it: keep shopping at a walking distance which is not only good for you, it’s good for your wallet, the car & your carbon footprint.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Interesting Environment Facts

Here are a few facts that we at Down To Earth Organics having been digging up for the last few months that may give some the motivation to make their lives just that little bit greener:

  • One polystyrene cup contains as many as 1 billion molecules of CFC's.
  • Every minute we are pumping 16000kgs of sewage into our oceans, worldwide.
  • Every year roughly 100,000, marine mammals, 1,000,000 birds and 50,000 seals are killed by floating plastic.
  • Amazingly, 25 billion polystyrene cups and 2.5 million plastic bottles are thrown away every hour.
  • 85% of household rubbish can be recycled.
  • If one famous London paper used recycled paper on one printing run , on any day, it would save 70,000 trees.
  • It takes 100 years for a plastic bag to decompose.
  • 40,000,000 acres of lush tropical rain forest are being destroyed through logging every year.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Toy Safety In The Home

Every year in Australia, and all around the world, toys are involved in thousands of accidents so it is vital to take care when buying extra toys and when leaving toys lying all around the home.

Because of the stringent regulations imposed on toy manufacturers, the safety of toys themselves isn't the major problem. Instead, the majority of accidents occur when toys are left lying around the home and when young children have access to toys intended for older children.

Safety tips around the home:

* Check toys methodically for tiny, removable pieces before giving to your children (especially those under 3)

* By no means give babies under the age of 3 balloons, small balls or marbles or anything else they could put into their mouths

* Ensure you keep all magnets and toys with magnetic parts away from children under 6 years of age

* Do not allow children to play with toys made of fluffy fabric or 'hair' that can easily be sucked, chewed or pulled out

* If possible try to avoid giving children under 6 toys with long ribbons or ropes attached

* Make sure children use the correct safety equipment when on a bike, skateboard or roller skates

* Regularly test the state of your children's toys and get rid of any showing signs of wear and tear

* Make sure older children tidy their toys away following use as falling over toys is one of the most frequent household accidents

* Persuade your children to play with just one toy at a time so they are easier to control

By taking the above safety tips into consideration and you provide your children with constant supervision whilst they are playing, the risk of toy connected accidents will be lowered considerably.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

How To Have Your Baby While On A Budget

Any of us cannot turn around presently without all the forms of the media screaming about the global financial crisis and how hard things are for all of us. But without doubt, a slow news arrives, and the media begin tallying up exactly how many hundreds of thousands of dollars it’s going to cost us to raise our children.. However how much does it really cost to have a baby?

The answer is completely in your hands. You can buy a new Bugaboo, or a pram on Ebay for a 1/10 of the cost. You can buy the latest baby seat and capsule, or you can buy second hand one from your best friend.

Having a baby costs as much as you want it to. If you want a new nursery in your home think about ways to lower the costs involved - beg and borrow.

As with a lot things in life, there is a big difference relating to desires and requirements. Babies are truly very straightforward creatures and require little more than love, somewhere warm to live, food, someone to change them and a lot of love - that is the easy part.

As a result if you’re planning a baby, or perhaps a new one, plus your budget could do with a little bit of help, below some guidelines that may help ease the financial pressure of a baby.

Borrow, Beg but don't steal

You might have friends that may have a baby that has outgrown the cot or bassinette it has been using, make use of it for the few months that your baby will need it. Do any of your relations have a spare cot? Possibly even the cot you slept in while a baby? Always check that baby equipment is secure and complies with the Australian Standards, but using second-hand items makes excellent monetary and environmental sense - that is it will lower your carbon imprint. Save your money for a new cot mattress, a reasonable stroller and a new baby car seat.

Buy only what you require and no more.

It can be so enticing to dream away the pregnant days thinking of things you might need then spending time at the shops purchasing masses of gorgeous things that your baby won’t ever actually use. If this is your first baby, try and restrict yourself to just buying plain things like singlets and jumpsuits. You may well be shocked with the amount of hand-outs you will receive for your baby. More often than not babies grow too fast to be dressed in all the outfits they are given, as a result it makes sense to limit yourself and then see what you really do need to buy.

Swap parties & toy libraries

Ask your buddies who have had babies what baby things, products or items they suggest and what they rarely used. Swap parties are a really great idea. If friends have babies that are slightly older or younger than yours, arrange to swap clothes with each other. Go ‘shopping’ at a girlfriend’s house for your baby’s new sized wardrobe and return the favour. Swap or lend maternity clothes once you do not want them anymore. When your baby is older, keep toys clean and stimulating by trading with all your friends once a month, or try a toy library which are increasing in recognition and are a brilliant idea.


Breastfeeding is the cheapest means to feed your baby. The health benefits are well-known, however from a monetary view point, making your baby’s milk yourself is the ultimate as it’s totally free.

Modern cloth nappies (MCNs) and wipes

Reusable nappies save money and the environment. Modern cloth nappies are a world away from old fashioned terry-towling squares that countless parents were subjected to when they were babies, made from renewable fabrics like bamboo. Now in marvellous colours and designs, they are more like disposables in fit and purpose.

Making use of cloth nappies and baby wipes for subsequent babies make it even cheaper. And hey, what’s one more load of washing every two or three days compared to buying a pack of disposable nappies every week? But if cloth is not your thing, try using a less expensive disposable nappy in the day-time when you are changing baby regularly, and saving the more absorbent/expensive nappies for night-time use.

Cook or make your own baby food

It could sound like difficult work, but it doesn’t have to be any more hassle than regular cooking. Cook up some extra vegetables with the family meal, then puree or mash the vegetables as baby requires. Spoon them into an ice-cube tray, pop on the lid, and you have a week’s worth of baby food in your freezer!

If you have any leftovers left after you have served dinner for the family, spoon into a little container and freeze. Your baby can eat a array of family meals without any additional effort or cost on your behalf.

Get Dad to make some toys

Make your own toys. Little babies like to grab an orange bag filled with loud paper. Crush up some newspaper and let them play with it. Pack a little Tupperware container with rice and tape shut to make a shaker. Fill a soft drink bottle with water and bits of coloured sponge and food colouring and watch them roll it around the floor for hours.

Make use of park - swing the days away.

Go to your local park, play on the swings, dabble at the beach, read a few books, have a picnic in your backyard. They are all free!

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Cost Of Baby Bottles That Are BPA Free

Those of you who are now knowledgeable in everything bisphanol A (BPA), who own baby bottles that contain BPA, and are at the present considering a switch to BPA free baby bottles are perhaps looking at all the bottles on the market and are shocked at the prices - given that a low-priced BPA free baby bottle is $16 and a usual baby bottle can be bought for as low as $4.00 I am not surprised.

The fact is that most BPA free baby bottles are made from either polypropylene of PES plastic and both these plastic are simply more costly the polycarbonate. The main reason for this price dissimilarity is that polycarbonate is more abundant, thus making it less expensive.

The second reason, and maybe one not mentioned earlier than, is that PES plastic is still in it's childhood and a little on the boutique side and less frequent. Also, the main brands that have determined to manufacture BPA free baby bottles are still producing polycarbonate baby bottles, if not in the U.S certainly for the remainder of the globe. To demonstrate this I apply the parallel that when Ford develops a new concept car, the cost to build could be millions of dollars, but it's not until it goes to bulk manufacture that the price comes downward to a figure that the bulk of people can afford. Meaning, one day, BPA free baby bottles will turn out to be cheaper to create.

This means that, for the time being, BPA free baby bottles will stay a little on the dear side. One thing to deliberate, though, is that BPA free baby bottles will last a good deal longer than a polycarbonate baby bottle and it's probable that if you have more than one child that you will be able to pass this bottle on.

The other issue to think about is this; what cost should you pay for your baby's safety and peace of mind?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Smart Baby Bottle Review


Smart Baby Bottles are made from BPA free PES plastic which has been deemed the safest for making baby bottles, PES plastic also gives the smart baby bottle it's golden glow. Smart Baby Bottles come in a 300ml size and the company in Australian owned.

Smart Baby Bottles come with a patented anti-colic teat which will no doubt give parents hours more sleep - thank you Smart Baby.


  • PES plastic

  • BPA, lead, pvc & phthalate free

  • Standard anti-colic teats

  • Australian owned


  • New company

  • Hard to find

RRP: 18.70

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nuby Natural Flex Pacifier/Dummy

Nuby Natural Flex Dummy range is a brilliant and safe (BPA free) new innovation by Nuby. Nuby Natural Flex Dummies have been especially designed to stretch and flex to resemble breast movements. This flex and stretch by the Nuby Natural Flex Dummy also encourages a natural sucking action by your baby.

If you would like to learn more about the Nuby Natural Flex Dummy see here. Or perhaps you would like to see our entire range of BPA free dummies and teethers.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Weaning from the breast or bottle to the cup

Most parents out there usually offer a cup to their baby as a first step to weaing from a baby bottle or breast. For this to work most effectively is should be done slowly, over many months. The easiest way to start is by replacing your baby's worst feed of the day, the one she likes the least, whith a small cup of baby formula or breast milk.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tiny Tribe Shampoo Review

General review:

Tiny Tribe Shampoo, with orange and patchouli, is a divine smelling safe shampoo for your baby. Designed by Mums (for Mums), Tiny Tribe Shampoo is made with natural and organic ingredients and has a gentle and non-drying affect of your baby's skin.

Even though Tiny Tribe Shampoo is free from sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) it lathers up very nicely and will not sting little baby's eyes.

  • Fantastic packaging
  • No sulphates
  • No artificial fragrances
  • No parabens
  • No tears
  • Plant based
  • Australian owned & made
  • Wish they made more products
  • Availability
RRP: $12.95

To see our range of natural baby shampoo's click here.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Eco Store Baby Goat Soap Review


Eco Store Baby Goat Soap is ideal for any baby, or baby's who are suffering from psoriasis and eczema. Goat's milk has excellent medicinal qualities for dry skin.

Eco Store Baby Goat Soap is a mild plant based soap with creamy goat's milk, essential oil of lavender and wheatgerm oil. Rich in vitamin E.

  • Made in New Zealand
  • Excellent baby skin soothing qualities
  • SLS free
  • Recycled packaging
  • Not tested on animals
  • Price
  • Due to quality and popularity it is hard to find
  • Bigger bar would have been nice
RRP: $4.40

Monday, February 23, 2009

Murchison Hume Bathroom Cleaner Review

  • Colloidal technology
  • stylish packaging
  • PET plastic recyclable bottle that gives an early 1900's look
  • Kills bacteria and germs naturally by neutralising proteins
  • Can be used on basins, bath, tiles and toilet
  • Free from
  • Comes in a value for money and groovy box set
  • Can't buy refills
  • Hard to find
  • Palm oil used
Ingredients: All natural cleaning formulation made from sugar cane, Palm oil, coconut oil and many other natural ingredients.

General: Murchison Hume Bathroom Cleaner works really, really well and was a complete surprise. Like with any natural cleaning product you benefit from cleaning without inhaling bleach or any other toxic fumes.

To learn more about Murchison Hume Bathroom Cleaner click here.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Natural Facial Steams

Facial steams seem like a great idea if you are trying to avoid putting a heap of nasty products on your skin. Facial Steams can be a great way to ease congestion, tention or even headaches.

After you have cleansed your face with a natural cleanser, prepare herbs by putting them into a medium sized bowl and puring 1L (2 pints) of boiling water over them. Put a towel over your head and lean over the bowl ensuring you don't get too close and be careful not to let the steam escape.

Relax for about 10 minutes, you will feel it guaranteed. Then remove the towel, wipe your face down with a clean damp towel.

This can be followed by your favourite natural moisturiser.
Suggested herbs:
  • Borage
  • Burnet
  • Chamomile flowers
  • Comfrey leaves
  • Elderflowers
  • Fennel
  • Lady's mantle
  • Lavender
  • Lemon grass
  • Lime flowers
  • Marigold flowers
  • Nettle
  • Peppermint
  • Sage
  • Violets

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Smart Baby Bottle 300ml

Smart Baby Bottles have just hit our retail and online store. They are the latest baby bottles that fit into the bisphenol A free category of baby bottles.

Smart Baby Bottles are made from PES plastic which, by all accounts and research I have done, is the safest plastic on the market.

Smart Baby Bottles are not only BPA free, they are also lead and PVC free which makes them a sensible solution to baby feeding.

If you would like more information on Smart Baby Bottles click here.

Smart Baby Bottles are not only safe but they are really cool looking and teats are available in slow, medium and fast flow rates.

Smart Baby Bottles are a little more expensive than regular bottles, however, this is a small price to pay for a non-toxic feeding solution for your baby.

RRP - $18.70

Keep you baby safe.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Baby Soother - Dummy Silicone

Happy Baby Soother/Dummy is the newest in the Happy Baby Range. Happy Baby Soother is made from non-toxic, medical grade, silicone that is bisphenol A free (BPA).

Happy Baby Soother or Dummy is a very safe alternative to latex dummies that contain potentially harmful PVC and other phthalates, Happy Baby Soother is very durable and easy to clean.

For more information on this fantastic new baby product, prices and sizes click here.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Thinbaby Baby Bottles BPA Free

Thinkbaby Free Baby Bottles are made from polycarbonate plastic and are the latest in a whole host of BPA free baby products to hit Australian shores of late.

Thinkbaby baby products are:
  • Free from BPA, phthalates, nitrosamines and lead
  • Amazing and have a patented venting system to reduce colic
  • Made from hospital grade silicone Thinkbaby teats are great at easing the challenge from breastfeeding to bottle feeding
To learn more about this great baby bottle from Down To Earth Organics click here.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Soleo Sunscreen

Soleo Organics SPF 30 Natural Sunscreen is designed with organic and natural ingredients and is bonded with natural botanical extracts to moisturise, protect and care for your skin. Soleo Sunscreen is for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Soleo Sunscreen is ideal to use on your face as it is less oily than other natural sunscreens. Great for baby's, children and adults. Fragrance free. Patented nanofine zinc technology that won't leave your skin white. To see this product click here.

This is a great product that is both Australian made and owned and really does work! In fact, it was recently metioned on Today Tonight


NO chemical UV-absorbers, NO synthetic preservatives, NO titanium dioxide, NO benzoates, NO petrochemicals, NO artificial colours or fragrances. NHCS Accredited. Australian Made.

Ingredients: Active Ingredient: Zinc Oxide 22.3%. Inactive Ingredients: Vitis Vinifera Seed Oil (Grapeseed), Helianthus Annus Seed Oil (sunflower), Capric/Caprylic Triglyceride, Vegetable Oils (and) Candelilla Cera, Cera Alba (beeswax), Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil, Theobroma Grandiflorum Seed Butter, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract (green tea), Anthemis Nobilis Flower Extract (roman chamomile), Lecithin, Carthamus Tinctorius Seed Oil (safflower), Cucumis Sativus Fruit Extract (cucumber), Tocopheryl Acetate and nothing else.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Breastfeeding And Bottle Feeding - my experience

We have recently had some very negative feedback about the information provided on this page of our site - some of which has been rather abusive to say the least! Despite the tone in which it is delivered, we welcome feedback and take on board everything that is expressed to us. There were some comments made on the site which were based on personal experience and opinions (aren't we all entitled to this?) - that may have appeared to be pro formula and anti breastfeeding - which of course is not our intention. We do apologise that these comments have offended some people and as a result they have been removed.

I wish to make it clear that we are neither pro breastfeeding or pro formula feeding. We are merely trying to provide information (including personal experiences) and chemical free products for those mothers who can not, or choose not to breastfeed.

Like most things in life, the choice to breastfeed is a personal one, but sadly not a choice that all mothers are presented with. I solely breastfed my beautiful angel from the second she was born, however after a couple of weeks I visited my lactation nurse and was horrified to find that she had lost a considerable about of weight. Honestly, it was one of the worst days of my life - I felt I was a failure as a mother. I was reduced to tears, my poor baby - she must be so hungry - how could I let this happen! I fed her as often as I humanly could, but unfortunately I was unable to produce enough milk to satisfy her - particularly as she was a very large bubba (10 pounds 7 at birth). I ate well, took vitamins and herbs such as blessed thistle and fenugreek to help my flow, but unfortunately I still did not produce enough. It was suggested to me that I could take a particular drug to assist with my milk flow, but I have a strong anti drug policy (particularly when breastfeeding!) so this was not an option for me.

My lactation nurse recommend that I supplement feed her with formula, and within a week she had gained weight, started sleeping well, and I started to regain my sanity. I continued to feed her with both bottle and breast until she was ready to be weaned, and whilst I adored breastfeeding her - she was never as satisfied after a breastfeed as she was after a bottle feed. This would not be the case for everyone of course - but it was certainly the case for me. Of course, I suffered a great degree of guilt and a sense of failure that I could not solely breastfeed her - but as I watched her thrive and develop in to a beautiful healthy child, I knew that all that mattered was she was happy and healthy - regardless of where she was getting her milk from.

She is now 2 and a half and she has never been sick - despite being unimmunised - and is the most beautiful, healthy. happy child in the world (well, we think so anyway). From 12 weeks old, she has slept 12 hours straight every night, and 2 hours every day, she has no allergies, is tall and strong, and is as bright as a spark. Now - there is no doubt that my child enjoys the blessing of optimum health due to her being breastfed - however I have to say that I believe formula also provided her with wonderful nutrients, and prevented her from being hungry. I received a comment from on lady who claimed that formula fed babies are "deprived". Of course I find this comment highly offensive - as would all mothers who formula feed. My child has never, and will never be "deprived" of anything - especially nutrients! So, I have to say that feeding my precious angel with formula was in no way detrimental to her health. But again - this is simply my experience.

Unfortunately, when I was struggling with breastfeeding and trying to find the most natural way of bottle feeding my child - there were very few sites that sold organic formula and it was almost impossible to find baby bottles that did not contain Bisphenol A in them. This, was one of the main reasons we had for starting this business. I want to be able to provide those mothers who can't, or choose not to breastfeed - with chemcial free alternatives - and help alleviate the guilt they may suffer as a result of not breastfeeding.

I have many friends and customers who have had differing experiences with breastfeeding. Some have breastfed up until their children are 2, some until 6 months, some, like me have breast and bottle fed, and some have chosen not to breastfeed at all. Whilst I may not agree with some of their decisions, I still embrace them and understand that this is a very sensitive subject for some mothers - therefore I would never dream of criticising them for the choices they have made. Acceptance brings peace. And lets be honest - the last thing we need in those first few months of parenthood is criticism. So, next time you see a baby being fed from the breast, or from the bottles, smile, and be happy that that child has someone to love and care for it and that it is being nourished.

Love and light


Further information:

Australian Breast Feeding Association - here
Information regarding formula - here
Information regarding herbs that may assist with milk flow - here
A wonderful lady Michelle who lives in our local area in far north NSW, who offers incredible advice on all things bubba related - here
World Health Organisation information on breastfeeding - here
Australian Government information on bottle feeding - here
All about the pros and cons of bottle and breastfeeding - here

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Shopping For Mother Earth - The How To Guide

1. Stop the shop: grow your own vegetables.
2. Use a bag: keep your shopping trip short by using a bag instead of a trolley.
3. Smart shopper: do not buy products with palm oil and that are genetically modified.
4. BYO bag: ditch the plastic for something a little cooler, see eco-bags.
5. Wasted on food: buy only what you need.
6. Bulk foods and natural cleaning products: save on food miles and reduce packaging by eating local foods and by buying highly concentrated natural cleaning products.
7. Organic: rid the world of fossil fuel thirsty pesticides and eat organic foods.
8. Fresh foods: avoid processed foods as huge amounts of energy are used in the packaging of foods.
9. Seasonal food: only eat what is in season, this will reduce the need to have food stored (storage emissions) and of course reduces transport emissions.
10. Walk it: keep shopping at a walking distance which is not only good for you, it’s good for your wallet, the car & your carbon footprint.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Interesting Environment Facts

Here are a few facts that we at Down To Earth Organics having been digging up for the last few months that may give some the motivation to make their lives just that little bit greener:

  • One polystyrene cup contains as many as 1 billion molecules of CFC's.
  • Every minute we are pumping 16000kgs of sewage into our oceans, worldwide.
  • Every year roughly 100,000, marine mammals, 1,000,000 birds and 50,000 seals are killed by floating plastic.
  • Amazingly, 25 billion polystyrene cups and 2.5 million plastic bottles are thrown away every hour.
  • 85% of household rubbish can be recycled.
  • If one famous London paper used recycled paper on one printing run , on any day, it would save 70,000 trees.
  • It takes 100 years for a plastic bag to decompose.
  • 40,000,000 acres of lush tropical rain forest are being destroyed through logging every year.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Toy Safety In The Home

Every year in Australia, and all around the world, toys are involved in thousands of accidents so it is vital to take care when buying extra toys and when leaving toys lying all around the home.

Because of the stringent regulations imposed on toy manufacturers, the safety of toys themselves isn't the major problem. Instead, the majority of accidents occur when toys are left lying around the home and when young children have access to toys intended for older children.

Safety tips around the home:

* Check toys methodically for tiny, removable pieces before giving to your children (especially those under 3)

* By no means give babies under the age of 3 balloons, small balls or marbles or anything else they could put into their mouths

* Ensure you keep all magnets and toys with magnetic parts away from children under 6 years of age

* Do not allow children to play with toys made of fluffy fabric or 'hair' that can easily be sucked, chewed or pulled out

* If possible try to avoid giving children under 6 toys with long ribbons or ropes attached

* Make sure children use the correct safety equipment when on a bike, skateboard or roller skates

* Regularly test the state of your children's toys and get rid of any showing signs of wear and tear

* Make sure older children tidy their toys away following use as falling over toys is one of the most frequent household accidents

* Persuade your children to play with just one toy at a time so they are easier to control

By taking the above safety tips into consideration and you provide your children with constant supervision whilst they are playing, the risk of toy connected accidents will be lowered considerably.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

How To Have Your Baby While On A Budget

Any of us cannot turn around presently without all the forms of the media screaming about the global financial crisis and how hard things are for all of us. But without doubt, a slow news arrives, and the media begin tallying up exactly how many hundreds of thousands of dollars it’s going to cost us to raise our children.. However how much does it really cost to have a baby?

The answer is completely in your hands. You can buy a new Bugaboo, or a pram on Ebay for a 1/10 of the cost. You can buy the latest baby seat and capsule, or you can buy second hand one from your best friend.

Having a baby costs as much as you want it to. If you want a new nursery in your home think about ways to lower the costs involved - beg and borrow.

As with a lot things in life, there is a big difference relating to desires and requirements. Babies are truly very straightforward creatures and require little more than love, somewhere warm to live, food, someone to change them and a lot of love - that is the easy part.

As a result if you’re planning a baby, or perhaps a new one, plus your budget could do with a little bit of help, below some guidelines that may help ease the financial pressure of a baby.

Borrow, Beg but don't steal

You might have friends that may have a baby that has outgrown the cot or bassinette it has been using, make use of it for the few months that your baby will need it. Do any of your relations have a spare cot? Possibly even the cot you slept in while a baby? Always check that baby equipment is secure and complies with the Australian Standards, but using second-hand items makes excellent monetary and environmental sense - that is it will lower your carbon imprint. Save your money for a new cot mattress, a reasonable stroller and a new baby car seat.

Buy only what you require and no more.

It can be so enticing to dream away the pregnant days thinking of things you might need then spending time at the shops purchasing masses of gorgeous things that your baby won’t ever actually use. If this is your first baby, try and restrict yourself to just buying plain things like singlets and jumpsuits. You may well be shocked with the amount of hand-outs you will receive for your baby. More often than not babies grow too fast to be dressed in all the outfits they are given, as a result it makes sense to limit yourself and then see what you really do need to buy.

Swap parties & toy libraries

Ask your buddies who have had babies what baby things, products or items they suggest and what they rarely used. Swap parties are a really great idea. If friends have babies that are slightly older or younger than yours, arrange to swap clothes with each other. Go ‘shopping’ at a girlfriend’s house for your baby’s new sized wardrobe and return the favour. Swap or lend maternity clothes once you do not want them anymore. When your baby is older, keep toys clean and stimulating by trading with all your friends once a month, or try a toy library which are increasing in recognition and are a brilliant idea.


Breastfeeding is the cheapest means to feed your baby. The health benefits are well-known, however from a monetary view point, making your baby’s milk yourself is the ultimate as it’s totally free.

Modern cloth nappies (MCNs) and wipes

Reusable nappies save money and the environment. Modern cloth nappies are a world away from old fashioned terry-towling squares that countless parents were subjected to when they were babies, made from renewable fabrics like bamboo. Now in marvellous colours and designs, they are more like disposables in fit and purpose.

Making use of cloth nappies and baby wipes for subsequent babies make it even cheaper. And hey, what’s one more load of washing every two or three days compared to buying a pack of disposable nappies every week? But if cloth is not your thing, try using a less expensive disposable nappy in the day-time when you are changing baby regularly, and saving the more absorbent/expensive nappies for night-time use.

Cook or make your own baby food

It could sound like difficult work, but it doesn’t have to be any more hassle than regular cooking. Cook up some extra vegetables with the family meal, then puree or mash the vegetables as baby requires. Spoon them into an ice-cube tray, pop on the lid, and you have a week’s worth of baby food in your freezer!

If you have any leftovers left after you have served dinner for the family, spoon into a little container and freeze. Your baby can eat a array of family meals without any additional effort or cost on your behalf.

Get Dad to make some toys

Make your own toys. Little babies like to grab an orange bag filled with loud paper. Crush up some newspaper and let them play with it. Pack a little Tupperware container with rice and tape shut to make a shaker. Fill a soft drink bottle with water and bits of coloured sponge and food colouring and watch them roll it around the floor for hours.

Make use of park - swing the days away.

Go to your local park, play on the swings, dabble at the beach, read a few books, have a picnic in your backyard. They are all free!

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Cost Of Baby Bottles That Are BPA Free

Those of you who are now knowledgeable in everything bisphanol A (BPA), who own baby bottles that contain BPA, and are at the present considering a switch to BPA free baby bottles are perhaps looking at all the bottles on the market and are shocked at the prices - given that a low-priced BPA free baby bottle is $16 and a usual baby bottle can be bought for as low as $4.00 I am not surprised.

The fact is that most BPA free baby bottles are made from either polypropylene of PES plastic and both these plastic are simply more costly the polycarbonate. The main reason for this price dissimilarity is that polycarbonate is more abundant, thus making it less expensive.

The second reason, and maybe one not mentioned earlier than, is that PES plastic is still in it's childhood and a little on the boutique side and less frequent. Also, the main brands that have determined to manufacture BPA free baby bottles are still producing polycarbonate baby bottles, if not in the U.S certainly for the remainder of the globe. To demonstrate this I apply the parallel that when Ford develops a new concept car, the cost to build could be millions of dollars, but it's not until it goes to bulk manufacture that the price comes downward to a figure that the bulk of people can afford. Meaning, one day, BPA free baby bottles will turn out to be cheaper to create.

This means that, for the time being, BPA free baby bottles will stay a little on the dear side. One thing to deliberate, though, is that BPA free baby bottles will last a good deal longer than a polycarbonate baby bottle and it's probable that if you have more than one child that you will be able to pass this bottle on.

The other issue to think about is this; what cost should you pay for your baby's safety and peace of mind?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Smart Baby Bottle Review


Smart Baby Bottles are made from BPA free PES plastic which has been deemed the safest for making baby bottles, PES plastic also gives the smart baby bottle it's golden glow. Smart Baby Bottles come in a 300ml size and the company in Australian owned.

Smart Baby Bottles come with a patented anti-colic teat which will no doubt give parents hours more sleep - thank you Smart Baby.


  • PES plastic

  • BPA, lead, pvc & phthalate free

  • Standard anti-colic teats

  • Australian owned


  • New company

  • Hard to find

RRP: 18.70

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nuby Natural Flex Pacifier/Dummy

Nuby Natural Flex Dummy range is a brilliant and safe (BPA free) new innovation by Nuby. Nuby Natural Flex Dummies have been especially designed to stretch and flex to resemble breast movements. This flex and stretch by the Nuby Natural Flex Dummy also encourages a natural sucking action by your baby.

If you would like to learn more about the Nuby Natural Flex Dummy see here. Or perhaps you would like to see our entire range of BPA free dummies and teethers.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Weaning from the breast or bottle to the cup

Most parents out there usually offer a cup to their baby as a first step to weaing from a baby bottle or breast. For this to work most effectively is should be done slowly, over many months. The easiest way to start is by replacing your baby's worst feed of the day, the one she likes the least, whith a small cup of baby formula or breast milk.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tiny Tribe Shampoo Review

General review:

Tiny Tribe Shampoo, with orange and patchouli, is a divine smelling safe shampoo for your baby. Designed by Mums (for Mums), Tiny Tribe Shampoo is made with natural and organic ingredients and has a gentle and non-drying affect of your baby's skin.

Even though Tiny Tribe Shampoo is free from sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) it lathers up very nicely and will not sting little baby's eyes.

  • Fantastic packaging
  • No sulphates
  • No artificial fragrances
  • No parabens
  • No tears
  • Plant based
  • Australian owned & made
  • Wish they made more products
  • Availability
RRP: $12.95

To see our range of natural baby shampoo's click here.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Eco Store Baby Goat Soap Review


Eco Store Baby Goat Soap is ideal for any baby, or baby's who are suffering from psoriasis and eczema. Goat's milk has excellent medicinal qualities for dry skin.

Eco Store Baby Goat Soap is a mild plant based soap with creamy goat's milk, essential oil of lavender and wheatgerm oil. Rich in vitamin E.

  • Made in New Zealand
  • Excellent baby skin soothing qualities
  • SLS free
  • Recycled packaging
  • Not tested on animals
  • Price
  • Due to quality and popularity it is hard to find
  • Bigger bar would have been nice
RRP: $4.40

Monday, February 23, 2009

Murchison Hume Bathroom Cleaner Review

  • Colloidal technology
  • stylish packaging
  • PET plastic recyclable bottle that gives an early 1900's look
  • Kills bacteria and germs naturally by neutralising proteins
  • Can be used on basins, bath, tiles and toilet
  • Free from
  • Comes in a value for money and groovy box set
  • Can't buy refills
  • Hard to find
  • Palm oil used
Ingredients: All natural cleaning formulation made from sugar cane, Palm oil, coconut oil and many other natural ingredients.

General: Murchison Hume Bathroom Cleaner works really, really well and was a complete surprise. Like with any natural cleaning product you benefit from cleaning without inhaling bleach or any other toxic fumes.

To learn more about Murchison Hume Bathroom Cleaner click here.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Natural Facial Steams

Facial steams seem like a great idea if you are trying to avoid putting a heap of nasty products on your skin. Facial Steams can be a great way to ease congestion, tention or even headaches.

After you have cleansed your face with a natural cleanser, prepare herbs by putting them into a medium sized bowl and puring 1L (2 pints) of boiling water over them. Put a towel over your head and lean over the bowl ensuring you don't get too close and be careful not to let the steam escape.

Relax for about 10 minutes, you will feel it guaranteed. Then remove the towel, wipe your face down with a clean damp towel.

This can be followed by your favourite natural moisturiser.
Suggested herbs:
  • Borage
  • Burnet
  • Chamomile flowers
  • Comfrey leaves
  • Elderflowers
  • Fennel
  • Lady's mantle
  • Lavender
  • Lemon grass
  • Lime flowers
  • Marigold flowers
  • Nettle
  • Peppermint
  • Sage
  • Violets

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Smart Baby Bottle 300ml

Smart Baby Bottles have just hit our retail and online store. They are the latest baby bottles that fit into the bisphenol A free category of baby bottles.

Smart Baby Bottles are made from PES plastic which, by all accounts and research I have done, is the safest plastic on the market.

Smart Baby Bottles are not only BPA free, they are also lead and PVC free which makes them a sensible solution to baby feeding.

If you would like more information on Smart Baby Bottles click here.

Smart Baby Bottles are not only safe but they are really cool looking and teats are available in slow, medium and fast flow rates.

Smart Baby Bottles are a little more expensive than regular bottles, however, this is a small price to pay for a non-toxic feeding solution for your baby.

RRP - $18.70

Keep you baby safe.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Baby Soother - Dummy Silicone

Happy Baby Soother/Dummy is the newest in the Happy Baby Range. Happy Baby Soother is made from non-toxic, medical grade, silicone that is bisphenol A free (BPA).

Happy Baby Soother or Dummy is a very safe alternative to latex dummies that contain potentially harmful PVC and other phthalates, Happy Baby Soother is very durable and easy to clean.

For more information on this fantastic new baby product, prices and sizes click here.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Thinbaby Baby Bottles BPA Free

Thinkbaby Free Baby Bottles are made from polycarbonate plastic and are the latest in a whole host of BPA free baby products to hit Australian shores of late.

Thinkbaby baby products are:
  • Free from BPA, phthalates, nitrosamines and lead
  • Amazing and have a patented venting system to reduce colic
  • Made from hospital grade silicone Thinkbaby teats are great at easing the challenge from breastfeeding to bottle feeding
To learn more about this great baby bottle from Down To Earth Organics click here.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Soleo Sunscreen

Soleo Organics SPF 30 Natural Sunscreen is designed with organic and natural ingredients and is bonded with natural botanical extracts to moisturise, protect and care for your skin. Soleo Sunscreen is for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Soleo Sunscreen is ideal to use on your face as it is less oily than other natural sunscreens. Great for baby's, children and adults. Fragrance free. Patented nanofine zinc technology that won't leave your skin white. To see this product click here.

This is a great product that is both Australian made and owned and really does work! In fact, it was recently metioned on Today Tonight


NO chemical UV-absorbers, NO synthetic preservatives, NO titanium dioxide, NO benzoates, NO petrochemicals, NO artificial colours or fragrances. NHCS Accredited. Australian Made.

Ingredients: Active Ingredient: Zinc Oxide 22.3%. Inactive Ingredients: Vitis Vinifera Seed Oil (Grapeseed), Helianthus Annus Seed Oil (sunflower), Capric/Caprylic Triglyceride, Vegetable Oils (and) Candelilla Cera, Cera Alba (beeswax), Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil, Theobroma Grandiflorum Seed Butter, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract (green tea), Anthemis Nobilis Flower Extract (roman chamomile), Lecithin, Carthamus Tinctorius Seed Oil (safflower), Cucumis Sativus Fruit Extract (cucumber), Tocopheryl Acetate and nothing else.