Find out what is new with natural and organic skincare, hair care and cosmetics. Learn about eco friendly products for yourself and your home. Explore reviews of the latest natural and organic skincare and health products in Australia. Find practical information on how to live a happy and healthy lifestyle with minimum impact on the environment.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Water Wastage
If the Murray River is almost dry how can this be right?
Friday, August 29, 2008
Nature Babycare ECO disposable nappies

Nature Babycare ECO disposable nappies are soft, thin, comfortable and easily live up to the tag of an Eco nappy - if not the best. Many 'Eco' disposable nappies are bulky, but these are little rippers are comparable to any regular nappy.
Nature Babycare ECO disposable nappies are chlorine free, despite being white. Chlorine-free nappies are thought to reduce the chance of nappy rash, not to mention chemicals touching your babies precious skin.
Nature Babycare ECO disposable nappies are the most super absorbent nappies we have used, much more so than Huggies but without the nasty chemicals. In fact, even if your child is a big drinker the nappy will last the night.
In my opinion, these nappies are great, they are easy to fit and the tabs stick very effectively.
If want a nappy with fun pictures and different colours all over it don't buy Nature Babycare ECO disposable nappies...try buying the ones with chemicals instead.
* Tip - if you think your baby needs to go up a size, just do it! The nappies will end up lasting longer as they are bigger, more absorbent, thus saving you money. Also, if you are using disposable nappies remember that if you put them in a regular plastic bag this will increase, dramatically, the time it takes for the nappy to breakdown. Try using a biodegradable bag instead, or specialty nappy bags made from corn starch. If you are interested in knowing more about biodegradable nappy bags click here.
RRP - $20 - $23
We have tried to get these for our retail and online stores for 16 months to no avail. I think there may be come sort of agreement with the manufacturer and distributor to give the supermarkets exclusivity. Free trade? The duopoly continues.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Are Dry-Cleaning Chemicals Dangerous
A suggestion to avoid these chemicals is to buy clothes that don't need to be dry-cleaned. If, like most corporate people, you need to wear suits make sure you let them air our for a few days before you wear them.
The Culprit
Most dry-cleaning involves the use of chemical called perchloroethylene (perch), which is a very toxic chemical. This chemical is a renowned environmental pest. Perch has also be linked to eye, nose irritation, and liver and kidney damage, as well as infertility and birth defects. The World Health Organisation says that these chemicals are "possibly" or "probably" cancer causing.
The Solution
Use dry-cleaners who use safer alternatives such as wet-cleaning methods and liquid carbon dioxide.
If anyone has a story they can share about this I would love to hear about it...my wife used get asthma sometimes after wearing garments that came from the dry-cleaner, hence why we do not use them anymore.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Organic Coconut Oil Benefits
Often we see words like 'fats' & 'oils' used. However, a fat is usually considered solid at room temperature, when oils are liquid. The most important thing is the structure of the fats and oils. The awesome benefits of organic virgin coconut oil are mainly due to it's chemical structure.
Organic virgin coconut oil contain smaller medium-chain triglycerides (MCT's) than other fats. They are digested so much faster that regular fats that the body uses them as energy rather than storing them as fat. MCT's are used to produce energy similar to carbohydrates and are therefore not circulated in the blood like most other fats. For that reason, they do not supply fat to fat cells to contribute to weight gain. So, effectively, when using organic virgin coconut oil in your cooking, you can eat the same types of foods as you normally do, yet consumer way fewer calories.
Seems great and I can't wait to try it.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Organic Goats Milk Formula
The real advantage of milk that comes from goat's milk is that is contains many less allergic proteins that regular milk. In goat's milk the proteins form smaller 'curds' as the stomach acids bind to the proteins and then begin the digestion process. Goat's milk is easy to digest in a babies stomach. A baby with an intolerance to cows milk, or even reflux may benefit from goat's milk due to it's natural fats.
- Goats' milk formula is a great alternative to regular cows' milk formula for a bottle baby
- Goats' milk formula contains similar proteins to cows' milk formula and contain lactose. Given this, Goats' milk bottle baby formula is not suitable for baby's with a lactose intolerance, the same reaction can occur if using other cows' milk dairy products. However, goats' milk formula can be used well on baby's that are not quite settles on cows' milk formula
- Those Mum's & Dad's that choose goats' milk formula are using looking for an alternative to regular cows' milk
- It is worth noting that goats' milk is much softer, therefore it is much easier for bottle babies to break it down and digest
When To Take Baby Off Formula
From 12 months babies or toddlers can be moved either stage 3 or toddler formula. Toddler formula is designed to complement the dietary needs of young children, especially where and nutrient intake may be deficient.
Toddler or stage 3 formula will contain essential ingredients, minerals and vitamins like:
- Calcium phosphate
- Magnesium phosphate
- Ferrous sulphate
- Potassium iodide
- Vitamin C
- Natural Vitamin E
- Niacin
- Vitamin D3
- Vitamin A acetate
- Pyrodoxine hydrochloride
- Thiamine hydrochloride
- Folic acid
- Iron
- Fibre
Why Choose Organic Formula?
Milk continues to be an important food for growing children in the first few years. Organic formula, made from certified organic milk, is a healthy way to supplement the nutritional needs of active toddlers as they grow and develop. Formula made from certified organic milk is produced in natural way without the use of growth hormones (GM), antibiotics, synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.
Toddler formula should be used in conjunction with a healthy, balanced 'solids' diet. If used in this manner your baby could be on this diet until 2 years old if she chooses.
In the weening process you could start replacing or reducing formula with either goats or rice milk and start using a sippie cup.
* Tip - if you are wanting your toddler to eat more solids start by reducing the amount of milk intake, try dropping a bottle feed.
Has anyone any other advice that may help? Any tips for weening?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Green To Grow

Green To Grow BPA free baby bottles are the latest in a whole host of baby feeding bottle to hit the Australian market of late.
Green To Grow baby feeding bottles are bisphenol A (BPA) free, are made from PES plastic which is also what gives the Green To Grow baby

Green To Grow baby feeding bottle sizes:
- 300ml regular neck
- 300ml wide neck
- 150ml regular neck
- 150ml wide neck
Green To Grow bottles are packaged in recycled cardboard and all printing is done with soy inks which is shows a high level of corporate responsibility.
If you would like more information on Green To Grow baby bpa free baby bottles click here.
Green To Grow baby bottles are a fabulous, safe, funky, well designed and non-toxic feeding solution for your baby. They look great and your baby will love them.
RRP - 300ml $20.00 (AUD)
RRP - 150ml $16.50 (AUD)
RRP - Teats x 3 pack $9.90 (AUD)
Rating 4.5 stars
Friday, August 22, 2008
Organic Cosmetics
Mineral Blush
Mineral blush with liven and brighten up those gorgeous cheeks and is designed for lighter cheeks and skin tones.
This recipe will give you about 3/4 of a teaspoon of blush which should last you a number of months and should take you around 15 minutes, at the most, and will last 10+ years in your organic makeup kit.
NB: 1 measurement is = to 1/8 of a universal teaspoon
- 2 measurements of Organic Bordeaux Mica
- 1 measurement of Organic Oriental Beige Mica
- 1/2 measurement of Organic Splendid Blue Mica
- Mix all ingredients in a bowl with a spoon and mix well. If you are left with any chunks, keep mixing until they have blended into mixture. Crush and grind with pestle and mortar
- Put all ingredients into a suitable container for use
- If you would like a more earthy and deeper colour, replace Organic Bordeaux Mica with Organic Sienna Mica - this will give you a warmer look
Organic cosmetics made easy.
Breastfeeding Feeding Versus Bottle Feeding

Advantages Of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding can truly be an amazing experience for mother and gorgeous newborn baby. Breastfeeding provides baby nutrients, nourishment & a chance for both mother and baby to bond with each other.
Fighting Infection - special antibodies pass from a mothers breast milk to your baby can significantly help in reducing the chances of:
- Meningitis
- Ear infections
- Diarrhea
- Respiratory infections
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Obesity
Breast milk also helps to build you babies immune system, in turn helping to fight infection and lowering the chance of viruses and some bacteria. Breastfeeding is also very important for premature babies as it contains essential vitamins & minerals.
Breast Milk Is FREE
It seems obvious but breast milk is free and because it is full of special nutrients, minerals and antibodies breast fed babies are often less sick than babies who are formula fed. Some research suggests that babies who are only breastfed for a minimum of 4 months had a 40% less ear infections than those babies that were formula fed. Ultimately, for parents, this mean less time at the doctor and more time spent bonding with your baby.
See video on this issue
How To Save Water

Water is as rare as it is precious. Almost every week there is a story on the dam levels, the drought strickened farmers or water restrictions.
In the short-term, at least for the East Coast of Australia, the major problem of dam levels has retreated just a little - Brisbane just recently went from level 6 to level 5 water restriction. On the whole though, the problem remains.
So for those of us that do have water it's very important to become water wise and do your best for the great whole for household consumption represents 12% of Australia's total water use, therefore every drop is precious.
Water Saving Tips
- AAA water efficiency - most appliances these days have a water efficiency rating or use the WELS scheme, so make sure you either buy something with a AAA rating or on the WELS buy and appliance that is rated at least 4-6
- Flow control valves - these cheap additions can cut your water bills in half if installed on all taps in your home
- Fix all leaks - a slow dripping tap can waste 20,000L per year
- Use flush regulators - these can save 1000's of litres per year
- Efficient shower heads - a $25 shower head, with an average 7 minute shower, can save around 30,000L per annum. For more information visit Savewater
- Fill the bath to only 1/2 or 3/4 - this will save 100L per bath
- Use a bucket - catch all that water while in the show, great for plants
- Shower timer - 1 minute shower equals 20L of water
- Teeth - turn the tap off while brushing to save 4000L per annum
- Kettle - only boil as much water as you need, great for power and water saving
- Stove - boil water with lids to stop evaporation
- Cooking water - great for the plants
- Washing machine - always adjust water level button to suit load size
- Car - use a bucket and wash on the grass
- Watering - water plants in early morning or evening to save evaporation
- Plants - mulch will save you a lot time watering and a lot of water
Think globally and act locally.
Currumbin Farmers' Markets and organic produce
Location: Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary's Car Park, Tomewin Street, Currumbin
Times: 6am- 11:00am, rain or shine
Market Dates: 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month
* Tip - get there early as in summer not only does it get very hot but it's very difficult to get a parking spot.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Reducing Food Miles and Carbon Footprint

Food miles relates to the distance your food has travelled to get to your plate and importantly how it has travelled to get there too - be it plane, train boat or truck.
Once upon a time eating used to be easy. Now, however, eating has become moral, ethical & even political.
It's August and if you do not eat organic food you can walk into any supermarket and buy a bunch of asparagus. In Australia asparagus is a summer plant, so it's likely to come from some South American country like Peru. That is 14000km in travel just so we can have the luxury of eating now what we would normally eat in summer.
A recent study compiled by the The Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies discovered that the average NSW shopping trolley containing 29 food goods from any supermarket had travelled an amazing 71,000km. The total value of food exports in 2007 was $7.2 billion up from $5 billion in 2002.
A couple of years ago 2 Canadian guys decided they would only eat food that came from within 100 miles of their home. They did it for a year and it was so successful they started a movement called the 'locavores' who only eat local produce - cool huh. Considering that the average meal in North America has travelled more than 2500 miles, I really like the concept. Check out their 100 mile diet.
Reducing Food Miles
- Eat seasonal fruit and vegetables
- Buy at local farmers markets - see list of farmers markets
- Grow your own
- Ride your bike to pick up your food
- Walk to get your food from local shops
- Don't buy bottled water
Down To Earth Organics
Glass Baby Bottles

The glass baby bottle is making a huge comeback, as most babies of the 70's may or may not remember - I don't but apparently I was bottle fed with one & wore some big cotton nappies.
The resurgence of the glass baby bottle has been fuelled by the banning of plastic baby feeding bottles in Canada about 2 months ago, thanks to the Bisphenol A (BPA) and it's influence on estrogen levels in females.
Glass baby bottles, in particular Happy baby Bottles, are simple, safe, non-toxic, BPA free, cheap and are a great long-term feeding solution for you baby. Furthermore, they are dishwasher safe though I would not use them in the microwave.
Glass baby bottles are made from toughened glass so you do not need to worry too much about baby throwing it to the ground. I would however, advise strongly against giving it to your baby while in the pram as I found out while walking through David Jones at Robina a few months ago - oh the mess.
Happy Baby Bottle - RRP $5.95
If you do not mind and old style looking bottle, without the "bells and whistles" then a glass baby bottle is for you.
They can't be too bad if most hospitals in Australia use them.
Down To Earth Organics
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Cosmo Mag - Pregnancy & Organic Edition
From front to back it was like a big advertisement for the non-organic multi-nationals. It wasn't until I got 45+ pages in did I finally find something related to the organic baby industry and even then it was only a small snippet. Jump another 25 pages or so then another small snippet.
Sadly, it also seemed that a lot of the content had been recycled from issues gone by..."same old". It really was a lot to pay for something that that really didn't tell me anything new, apart from the fact the the magazine would have been a great revenue raiser and was well marketed.
My advice would be to flick through before you outlay that precious cash.
Kosmea Eighth Natural Wonder

Kosmea organic skin care range is as interesting as it is inspiring. Marie Jenkins, was a stay-at-home Mum, raising a young family, when she tried to make her own blend of a face mask. Upon making the trip to the local nursery she came across rosehip, and with further research she discovered it's amazing healing, anti-ageing & & hydrating qualities.
With a bit of business acumen it was not too long, well about 11 years, that she has give an old abandoned church in Adelaide a makeover, excuse the pun, and converted it into her offices - Kosmea Australia was born.
Kosmea - product recommendation
It is very difficult to make a recommendation for Kosmea organic skin care products as the range is so amazing and popular not just in Australia but all over the world.
If I had to make a choice though it would be Kosmea's Eighth Natural Wonder Revitalising Facial Serum. This truly amazing anti-ageing organic skin care Kosmea product will instantly lift dull & tired skin. It will stop the increase of fine lines on your face instantly leaving it looking youthful.
This Kosmea product is a serum that can be used everyday on all types of skin and can easily be combined with Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil.
Kosmea Eight Natural Wonder Revitalising Facial Serum - RRP $62.00
Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil - RRP $21.50
Kosmea and it's benefits:
- Plant Based
- No petrochemicals
- No DEA
- No parabens (preservatives)
- No Sodium lauryl sulphate
- No synthetic dyes or perfumes
- No caustics
- No paraffin
- No polyethylene
- No artificial colours
- No mineral oils
- No animal testing or ingredients
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Organic Produce South East Queensland

Is there a shortage of organic produce in South East Queensland? The answer is yes and what organic produce there is out there is normally quite expensive.
If you live on the southern Gold Coast, however, there is an alternative just south of the border in Kingscliff and that is us at Down To Earth Organics.
If you would like to know more about our 2 now famous market days in-store click here and also how you can become a VIP member and receive 20% off all purchases in-store Tuesday's except dairy and produce.
If you have no time to get to our organic store and you live from Currumbin to Pottsville & west to Murwillumbah we would urge you to consider trying Fresh Organics who offer a friendly and personable home delivery service, at very competitive prices.
Milk and Tickles

Milk & Tickles
Milk and Tickles, a local Gold Coast company, have recently launched a BPA free feeding bottle. This groovy and innovative baby feeding bottle actually changes colour depending on the temperature of the water within. Furthermore, your baby can leave it's hand prints on the bottle while feeding. Milk and Tickles claim that their bottle is also designed to "bring back the fun into feeding" and this can also been seen by the "old school" packaging and cool colours.
Milk and Tickles baby bottles have a regular sized teat that is interchangeable with most other brands.
Milk and Tickles baby feeding bottles are fun and the way the colour changes when heated remind me very much of the hyper colour t-shirts of the 80's - yes I had one. The bottles are practical, easy to use, come standard with a medium flow teat & are very light. Most importantly though they are BPA free and non-toxic.
RRP - $12.00
* If you would like to know more about the new Milk & Tickles BPA free baby feeding bottle click here.
See Milk and Tickles vides
How To Make Organic Soap

Many people make organic soap for fun - see example of Billie Goat Soap. The reason for this is that it is relatively cheap and, most importantly, it can be made free from perfumes, sodium laurel sulphate (SLS), animal products, parabens & pretty much anything that people can have reactions to.
This type of soap can be very difficult to find for some people, so the option to actually making it for themselves is generally a good and fun one.
So to get started I have devised a list for you all, through hours of research, that I hope well set you on your way to making organic soap.
How To Make Organic Soap
- One pair of good elbow length gloves
- Quality safety goggles
- A 10 litre pouring jug
- 2 x large plastic or wooden mixing spoon
- A thermometer
- Some food scales
- Large roll of plastic food wrap
- 1 x 15 litre stainless steel pot
- 2 meters of acrylic
- 1 x plastic shoebox lined with plastic wrap
- 2 x tablespoons of dried herb to liking - that is smell
- 350ml of distilled water
- 28 grams of organic cocoa butter
- 113 grams of sodium hydroxide
- 210mls of organic olive oil
- 210mls of organic white coconut oil
- 452 grams of pure vegetable shortening
- A wire cooling rack for your organic soap
Let's Make Our Organic Soap
Firstly, take your plastic box (or any suitable box) and line it with the plastic you have already purchased and of course making sure you have a safe working area - this will be your mold which you will then cut into small pieces.
Place oil/s into steel pot on a low heat. Place the thermometer into the pot making sure the temperature does not exceed 48 degrees Celsius. Melt the oils and then take off stove and let cool to 38 degrees Celsius.
Next, measure the distilled water into one of the plastic pouring container, and set aside. Put on your elbow length gloves and safety glasses - very, very important. Weigh the remaining plastic jug, and then add the 113 grams of Lye to the pitcher (weighing the pitcher first helps to ensure that you get the weight of the Lye correct). Be very careful when working with Lye. Lye is a naturally occurring substance, but it can cause burns if spilled onto the skin. If you do spill it on your skin, rinse with plenty of vinegar. Pour the lye into the plastic pitcher with the distilled water, and stir with one of the plastic spoons until the lye is dissolved. Stir no more than 10 minutes. You can then set the pitcher of Lye and water aside and put the candy thermometer inside. Let it cool to 38 degrees Celsius, this should take about an hour.
Once the Lye mixture is cooled to a manageable temperature, mix it into the stainless steel pot of melted oils. Slowly stir with a plastic spoon. Pour the Lye mixture into the pot of oils. Pour slowly and stir slowly too. Stir for at least 1o minutes, and then set aside. Stir once every 5-10minutes for the next half-hour, you will then notice the mixture begin to thicken gradually. As the mixture increases it's thickness, you may add your dried organic herbs - try Basil, Peppermint, or lemon grass for the aromatic scents.
As the mixture gradually thickens, you are ready to pour the mixture into the plastic lined box.
Pour the mixture slowly, and cover with plastic wrap. Next, wrap the old drapery around the entire box, and set aside for 24 hours. It is best to put the box in a well ventilated, safe area that is free from children and pets. Don't unwrap the box, as you do not want the heat to escape.
After 24 hours put on your rubber gloves and take the box. The box could possibly be still be warm, so be try to be careful. The organic soap should be solid, but if it's not, re-wrap and leave for another few hours .
It the soap is is hard, cut it right away. Remove the block of soap from shoebox. You will have a perfectly large square of soap. Simply cut into bars with a long, sharp knife. The bars will then need to be placed on a wire rack and set aside for 4 weeks. The soap needs this time to "cure"; the longer you wait the better the soap's texture and herbal smell.
Once the soap has cured, store the store in paper bags rather than plastic as it can be quite soft. Organic soap wrapped in plastic tends to make soaps sweat, whereas paper is porous and will protect the soap for a year or more. Try experimenting with a variety of different herbs for surprising scents. You can also experiment with the different textures, thickness, and shapes of soap.
Happy organic soap making.
Down To Earth Organics
Monday, August 18, 2008
Mixing Baby Rice In A Bottle
If you are out to choose a baby cereal choose one that does not contain any preservatives, preferably certified organic, does not contain any added salt and if sweetened make sure it is with fruit juice only. Try Holle Organic Rice Porridge.
It's amazing how many mother's ask me how to mix rice cereal or porridge into a baby bottle. Well there are a number of ways but, from my experience, this is the best way.
Mixing Baby Rice In A Bottle
- Sterilize baby bottle and teat
- Add required formula to baby bottle - as per direction
- Add 1-4 teaspoons of rice cereal/porridge
- Fill bottle with boiling water to slightly under halfway (does not matter what size bottle as measurement are all relative)
- Screw teat on and shake until all ingredients are absorbed into water
- Add cold, filtered water from fridge till full
- Shake again to mix cold water, hot water and cereal
- Temperature and mix should be perfect
Good luck.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Homemade Child Safe Natural Cleaning Products
However, with the cost of living rising sharply over the last few years people, and especially parents with small kids, have been searching for safe cleaning alternatives that can be made in the home - that is not to mention the effects chemical cleaners have on our precious environment. To that I will say that there is a natural and safe cleaning solution to every for pretty much every mud, grease & pureed carrot or bilberry stain out there in baby & toddler land.
Stain Removal Tips - part 1
- Blackberry - sponge with a borax or vinegar solution
- Beetroot - if the stain is on cotton soak in cold water which contain 1 x tablespoon of salt that has dissolved. You could also soak in milk for 2 hours then wash in cold water. Last option is to soak a piece of bread in water and then resting it on the stain until the bread has absorbed the stain
- Chocolate - sponge in borax or vinegar solution
- Chewing gum - put the clothing in a plastic bag, put in the freezer for 3 hours. Scrape off the gum with something sharp then scrub with eucalyptus oil
- Grass - soap and water will usually get out most grass stains but if a stain persists scrub with white sugar, leave for an hour then wash
Did you know that 50% of phosphates that pass through our sewers into our oceans come from home cleaning chemical products!
It's easy being green.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
How do I get my baby to drink baby formula?
Upon reflection I laugh at the speed and response I gave and how easy it was to come up with. I started by asking her had she ever tried formula, her response was a big NO and then gawked when I said it tasted like cardboard - haa.
"From my experience most babies have an extremely sweet tooth", I said, and you really can't blame them. I then recommended that she add 2 x teaspoons of organic Holle Apple & Bilberry baby food (or any organic fruit baby food). Given that her baby was 7 months old she agreed that this would really work and couldn't believe she didn't think of it.
This advice was obviously given knowing that the mother had tried absolutely everything to get her baby to drink formula. If you would like more information on formula feeding babies click here.
Hope this helps.
Down To Earth Organics
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Store Wars - organic vegetables impersonate your favourite Star Wars characters
Anyway, seriously, I was looking at what was on t.v for the week and noticed Star Wars was hitting the screen again, excited, I pencilled a dinner date with R2D2 and perhaps even a quiet beverage.
Whilst basking in the moment, which I like to prolong and as long as possible, a little gift just appeared through a generous customer - in the spirit of the Secret I must say. What was it? It's called Store Wars and I feel compelled to share it with you all. As the title of this post suggests Store Wars is a short film about the fight of the organic industry against the GM mass produced fruit and veg that frequents most retailers stores worldwide.
It really is very well done and features characters such as Cuke (Luke Skywalker and played by a Cucumber) and my personal favourite Chewbroccoli (Chewbacca played by a piece of broccoli).
See Store Wars, hope you enjoy!
Down To Earth Organics
Boon BPA free baby accessories

The BPA scare continues and so does the research into baby products that contain non-toxic materials - it really isn't easy...but then there was Boon.
The name Boon, as I have since found, means a benefit bestowed - how perfectly appropriate. Boon say their products "bring style and innovation to your home and your life...". That is a truly humble statement from a company whose focus is on safety and practicality.
Personally, I think Boon products are fantastic. They are affordable, safe, non-toxic and FUN. In particular the Modware (BPA free cuttlery) and Snack Ball (BPA free food storage gadget) are real winners.
People have been telling us for years about the dangers of plastic, containing BPA, so it's about time some people are finally listening.
Down To Earth Organics
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Safeties Nappies - biodegradable nappy first
I put put an order in for both our retail store, online store and our 5 month old baby when they finally came out in November last year.
Well, as quick as they arrived they have disappeared! I can't find them anywhere and nobody seems to know what has happened to them. Can anyone help?
Perhaps they were not as biodegradable as first thought...after all if the nappy is placed into a plastic bag, then dumped into landfill it pretty much negates the whole ethos of the nappy manufacturer.
Just a thought.
BPA In Baby Bottles - Glass Baby Bottle
This scary discovery also found that BPA actually attacked the estrogen levels in growing girls and affected puberty. BPA is an estrogen-mimicking chemical found in most plastic baby feeding bottles. This toxic compound could be potentially posing risks to the brain development of babies and young children. BPA may cause things like early puberty in girls and breast tissue in boys.
I call upon the Australian government to follow Canada's lead and ban baby feeding bottles that contain BPA. My baby, until recently, was using what I thought was a trusted brand in Avent. All the Avent baby bottle are now in the bin and we are using BPA free plastic bottles like Milk and Tickles & Green ,To Grow, and glass baby bottles too.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Water Wastage
If the Murray River is almost dry how can this be right?
Friday, August 29, 2008
Nature Babycare ECO disposable nappies

Nature Babycare ECO disposable nappies are soft, thin, comfortable and easily live up to the tag of an Eco nappy - if not the best. Many 'Eco' disposable nappies are bulky, but these are little rippers are comparable to any regular nappy.
Nature Babycare ECO disposable nappies are chlorine free, despite being white. Chlorine-free nappies are thought to reduce the chance of nappy rash, not to mention chemicals touching your babies precious skin.
Nature Babycare ECO disposable nappies are the most super absorbent nappies we have used, much more so than Huggies but without the nasty chemicals. In fact, even if your child is a big drinker the nappy will last the night.
In my opinion, these nappies are great, they are easy to fit and the tabs stick very effectively.
If want a nappy with fun pictures and different colours all over it don't buy Nature Babycare ECO disposable nappies...try buying the ones with chemicals instead.
* Tip - if you think your baby needs to go up a size, just do it! The nappies will end up lasting longer as they are bigger, more absorbent, thus saving you money. Also, if you are using disposable nappies remember that if you put them in a regular plastic bag this will increase, dramatically, the time it takes for the nappy to breakdown. Try using a biodegradable bag instead, or specialty nappy bags made from corn starch. If you are interested in knowing more about biodegradable nappy bags click here.
RRP - $20 - $23
We have tried to get these for our retail and online stores for 16 months to no avail. I think there may be come sort of agreement with the manufacturer and distributor to give the supermarkets exclusivity. Free trade? The duopoly continues.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Are Dry-Cleaning Chemicals Dangerous
A suggestion to avoid these chemicals is to buy clothes that don't need to be dry-cleaned. If, like most corporate people, you need to wear suits make sure you let them air our for a few days before you wear them.
The Culprit
Most dry-cleaning involves the use of chemical called perchloroethylene (perch), which is a very toxic chemical. This chemical is a renowned environmental pest. Perch has also be linked to eye, nose irritation, and liver and kidney damage, as well as infertility and birth defects. The World Health Organisation says that these chemicals are "possibly" or "probably" cancer causing.
The Solution
Use dry-cleaners who use safer alternatives such as wet-cleaning methods and liquid carbon dioxide.
If anyone has a story they can share about this I would love to hear about it...my wife used get asthma sometimes after wearing garments that came from the dry-cleaner, hence why we do not use them anymore.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Organic Coconut Oil Benefits
Often we see words like 'fats' & 'oils' used. However, a fat is usually considered solid at room temperature, when oils are liquid. The most important thing is the structure of the fats and oils. The awesome benefits of organic virgin coconut oil are mainly due to it's chemical structure.
Organic virgin coconut oil contain smaller medium-chain triglycerides (MCT's) than other fats. They are digested so much faster that regular fats that the body uses them as energy rather than storing them as fat. MCT's are used to produce energy similar to carbohydrates and are therefore not circulated in the blood like most other fats. For that reason, they do not supply fat to fat cells to contribute to weight gain. So, effectively, when using organic virgin coconut oil in your cooking, you can eat the same types of foods as you normally do, yet consumer way fewer calories.
Seems great and I can't wait to try it.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Organic Goats Milk Formula
The real advantage of milk that comes from goat's milk is that is contains many less allergic proteins that regular milk. In goat's milk the proteins form smaller 'curds' as the stomach acids bind to the proteins and then begin the digestion process. Goat's milk is easy to digest in a babies stomach. A baby with an intolerance to cows milk, or even reflux may benefit from goat's milk due to it's natural fats.
- Goats' milk formula is a great alternative to regular cows' milk formula for a bottle baby
- Goats' milk formula contains similar proteins to cows' milk formula and contain lactose. Given this, Goats' milk bottle baby formula is not suitable for baby's with a lactose intolerance, the same reaction can occur if using other cows' milk dairy products. However, goats' milk formula can be used well on baby's that are not quite settles on cows' milk formula
- Those Mum's & Dad's that choose goats' milk formula are using looking for an alternative to regular cows' milk
- It is worth noting that goats' milk is much softer, therefore it is much easier for bottle babies to break it down and digest
When To Take Baby Off Formula
From 12 months babies or toddlers can be moved either stage 3 or toddler formula. Toddler formula is designed to complement the dietary needs of young children, especially where and nutrient intake may be deficient.
Toddler or stage 3 formula will contain essential ingredients, minerals and vitamins like:
- Calcium phosphate
- Magnesium phosphate
- Ferrous sulphate
- Potassium iodide
- Vitamin C
- Natural Vitamin E
- Niacin
- Vitamin D3
- Vitamin A acetate
- Pyrodoxine hydrochloride
- Thiamine hydrochloride
- Folic acid
- Iron
- Fibre
Why Choose Organic Formula?
Milk continues to be an important food for growing children in the first few years. Organic formula, made from certified organic milk, is a healthy way to supplement the nutritional needs of active toddlers as they grow and develop. Formula made from certified organic milk is produced in natural way without the use of growth hormones (GM), antibiotics, synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.
Toddler formula should be used in conjunction with a healthy, balanced 'solids' diet. If used in this manner your baby could be on this diet until 2 years old if she chooses.
In the weening process you could start replacing or reducing formula with either goats or rice milk and start using a sippie cup.
* Tip - if you are wanting your toddler to eat more solids start by reducing the amount of milk intake, try dropping a bottle feed.
Has anyone any other advice that may help? Any tips for weening?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Green To Grow

Green To Grow BPA free baby bottles are the latest in a whole host of baby feeding bottle to hit the Australian market of late.
Green To Grow baby feeding bottles are bisphenol A (BPA) free, are made from PES plastic which is also what gives the Green To Grow baby

Green To Grow baby feeding bottle sizes:
- 300ml regular neck
- 300ml wide neck
- 150ml regular neck
- 150ml wide neck
Green To Grow bottles are packaged in recycled cardboard and all printing is done with soy inks which is shows a high level of corporate responsibility.
If you would like more information on Green To Grow baby bpa free baby bottles click here.
Green To Grow baby bottles are a fabulous, safe, funky, well designed and non-toxic feeding solution for your baby. They look great and your baby will love them.
RRP - 300ml $20.00 (AUD)
RRP - 150ml $16.50 (AUD)
RRP - Teats x 3 pack $9.90 (AUD)
Rating 4.5 stars
Friday, August 22, 2008
Organic Cosmetics
Mineral Blush
Mineral blush with liven and brighten up those gorgeous cheeks and is designed for lighter cheeks and skin tones.
This recipe will give you about 3/4 of a teaspoon of blush which should last you a number of months and should take you around 15 minutes, at the most, and will last 10+ years in your organic makeup kit.
NB: 1 measurement is = to 1/8 of a universal teaspoon
- 2 measurements of Organic Bordeaux Mica
- 1 measurement of Organic Oriental Beige Mica
- 1/2 measurement of Organic Splendid Blue Mica
- Mix all ingredients in a bowl with a spoon and mix well. If you are left with any chunks, keep mixing until they have blended into mixture. Crush and grind with pestle and mortar
- Put all ingredients into a suitable container for use
- If you would like a more earthy and deeper colour, replace Organic Bordeaux Mica with Organic Sienna Mica - this will give you a warmer look
Organic cosmetics made easy.
Breastfeeding Feeding Versus Bottle Feeding

Advantages Of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding can truly be an amazing experience for mother and gorgeous newborn baby. Breastfeeding provides baby nutrients, nourishment & a chance for both mother and baby to bond with each other.
Fighting Infection - special antibodies pass from a mothers breast milk to your baby can significantly help in reducing the chances of:
- Meningitis
- Ear infections
- Diarrhea
- Respiratory infections
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Obesity
Breast milk also helps to build you babies immune system, in turn helping to fight infection and lowering the chance of viruses and some bacteria. Breastfeeding is also very important for premature babies as it contains essential vitamins & minerals.
Breast Milk Is FREE
It seems obvious but breast milk is free and because it is full of special nutrients, minerals and antibodies breast fed babies are often less sick than babies who are formula fed. Some research suggests that babies who are only breastfed for a minimum of 4 months had a 40% less ear infections than those babies that were formula fed. Ultimately, for parents, this mean less time at the doctor and more time spent bonding with your baby.
See video on this issue
How To Save Water

Water is as rare as it is precious. Almost every week there is a story on the dam levels, the drought strickened farmers or water restrictions.
In the short-term, at least for the East Coast of Australia, the major problem of dam levels has retreated just a little - Brisbane just recently went from level 6 to level 5 water restriction. On the whole though, the problem remains.
So for those of us that do have water it's very important to become water wise and do your best for the great whole for household consumption represents 12% of Australia's total water use, therefore every drop is precious.
Water Saving Tips
- AAA water efficiency - most appliances these days have a water efficiency rating or use the WELS scheme, so make sure you either buy something with a AAA rating or on the WELS buy and appliance that is rated at least 4-6
- Flow control valves - these cheap additions can cut your water bills in half if installed on all taps in your home
- Fix all leaks - a slow dripping tap can waste 20,000L per year
- Use flush regulators - these can save 1000's of litres per year
- Efficient shower heads - a $25 shower head, with an average 7 minute shower, can save around 30,000L per annum. For more information visit Savewater
- Fill the bath to only 1/2 or 3/4 - this will save 100L per bath
- Use a bucket - catch all that water while in the show, great for plants
- Shower timer - 1 minute shower equals 20L of water
- Teeth - turn the tap off while brushing to save 4000L per annum
- Kettle - only boil as much water as you need, great for power and water saving
- Stove - boil water with lids to stop evaporation
- Cooking water - great for the plants
- Washing machine - always adjust water level button to suit load size
- Car - use a bucket and wash on the grass
- Watering - water plants in early morning or evening to save evaporation
- Plants - mulch will save you a lot time watering and a lot of water
Think globally and act locally.
Currumbin Farmers' Markets and organic produce
Location: Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary's Car Park, Tomewin Street, Currumbin
Times: 6am- 11:00am, rain or shine
Market Dates: 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month
* Tip - get there early as in summer not only does it get very hot but it's very difficult to get a parking spot.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Reducing Food Miles and Carbon Footprint

Food miles relates to the distance your food has travelled to get to your plate and importantly how it has travelled to get there too - be it plane, train boat or truck.
Once upon a time eating used to be easy. Now, however, eating has become moral, ethical & even political.
It's August and if you do not eat organic food you can walk into any supermarket and buy a bunch of asparagus. In Australia asparagus is a summer plant, so it's likely to come from some South American country like Peru. That is 14000km in travel just so we can have the luxury of eating now what we would normally eat in summer.
A recent study compiled by the The Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies discovered that the average NSW shopping trolley containing 29 food goods from any supermarket had travelled an amazing 71,000km. The total value of food exports in 2007 was $7.2 billion up from $5 billion in 2002.
A couple of years ago 2 Canadian guys decided they would only eat food that came from within 100 miles of their home. They did it for a year and it was so successful they started a movement called the 'locavores' who only eat local produce - cool huh. Considering that the average meal in North America has travelled more than 2500 miles, I really like the concept. Check out their 100 mile diet.
Reducing Food Miles
- Eat seasonal fruit and vegetables
- Buy at local farmers markets - see list of farmers markets
- Grow your own
- Ride your bike to pick up your food
- Walk to get your food from local shops
- Don't buy bottled water
Down To Earth Organics
Glass Baby Bottles

The glass baby bottle is making a huge comeback, as most babies of the 70's may or may not remember - I don't but apparently I was bottle fed with one & wore some big cotton nappies.
The resurgence of the glass baby bottle has been fuelled by the banning of plastic baby feeding bottles in Canada about 2 months ago, thanks to the Bisphenol A (BPA) and it's influence on estrogen levels in females.
Glass baby bottles, in particular Happy baby Bottles, are simple, safe, non-toxic, BPA free, cheap and are a great long-term feeding solution for you baby. Furthermore, they are dishwasher safe though I would not use them in the microwave.
Glass baby bottles are made from toughened glass so you do not need to worry too much about baby throwing it to the ground. I would however, advise strongly against giving it to your baby while in the pram as I found out while walking through David Jones at Robina a few months ago - oh the mess.
Happy Baby Bottle - RRP $5.95
If you do not mind and old style looking bottle, without the "bells and whistles" then a glass baby bottle is for you.
They can't be too bad if most hospitals in Australia use them.
Down To Earth Organics
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Cosmo Mag - Pregnancy & Organic Edition
From front to back it was like a big advertisement for the non-organic multi-nationals. It wasn't until I got 45+ pages in did I finally find something related to the organic baby industry and even then it was only a small snippet. Jump another 25 pages or so then another small snippet.
Sadly, it also seemed that a lot of the content had been recycled from issues gone by..."same old". It really was a lot to pay for something that that really didn't tell me anything new, apart from the fact the the magazine would have been a great revenue raiser and was well marketed.
My advice would be to flick through before you outlay that precious cash.
Kosmea Eighth Natural Wonder

Kosmea organic skin care range is as interesting as it is inspiring. Marie Jenkins, was a stay-at-home Mum, raising a young family, when she tried to make her own blend of a face mask. Upon making the trip to the local nursery she came across rosehip, and with further research she discovered it's amazing healing, anti-ageing & & hydrating qualities.
With a bit of business acumen it was not too long, well about 11 years, that she has give an old abandoned church in Adelaide a makeover, excuse the pun, and converted it into her offices - Kosmea Australia was born.
Kosmea - product recommendation
It is very difficult to make a recommendation for Kosmea organic skin care products as the range is so amazing and popular not just in Australia but all over the world.
If I had to make a choice though it would be Kosmea's Eighth Natural Wonder Revitalising Facial Serum. This truly amazing anti-ageing organic skin care Kosmea product will instantly lift dull & tired skin. It will stop the increase of fine lines on your face instantly leaving it looking youthful.
This Kosmea product is a serum that can be used everyday on all types of skin and can easily be combined with Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil.
Kosmea Eight Natural Wonder Revitalising Facial Serum - RRP $62.00
Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil - RRP $21.50
Kosmea and it's benefits:
- Plant Based
- No petrochemicals
- No DEA
- No parabens (preservatives)
- No Sodium lauryl sulphate
- No synthetic dyes or perfumes
- No caustics
- No paraffin
- No polyethylene
- No artificial colours
- No mineral oils
- No animal testing or ingredients
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Organic Produce South East Queensland

Is there a shortage of organic produce in South East Queensland? The answer is yes and what organic produce there is out there is normally quite expensive.
If you live on the southern Gold Coast, however, there is an alternative just south of the border in Kingscliff and that is us at Down To Earth Organics.
If you would like to know more about our 2 now famous market days in-store click here and also how you can become a VIP member and receive 20% off all purchases in-store Tuesday's except dairy and produce.
If you have no time to get to our organic store and you live from Currumbin to Pottsville & west to Murwillumbah we would urge you to consider trying Fresh Organics who offer a friendly and personable home delivery service, at very competitive prices.
Milk and Tickles

Milk & Tickles
Milk and Tickles, a local Gold Coast company, have recently launched a BPA free feeding bottle. This groovy and innovative baby feeding bottle actually changes colour depending on the temperature of the water within. Furthermore, your baby can leave it's hand prints on the bottle while feeding. Milk and Tickles claim that their bottle is also designed to "bring back the fun into feeding" and this can also been seen by the "old school" packaging and cool colours.
Milk and Tickles baby bottles have a regular sized teat that is interchangeable with most other brands.
Milk and Tickles baby feeding bottles are fun and the way the colour changes when heated remind me very much of the hyper colour t-shirts of the 80's - yes I had one. The bottles are practical, easy to use, come standard with a medium flow teat & are very light. Most importantly though they are BPA free and non-toxic.
RRP - $12.00
* If you would like to know more about the new Milk & Tickles BPA free baby feeding bottle click here.
See Milk and Tickles vides
How To Make Organic Soap

Many people make organic soap for fun - see example of Billie Goat Soap. The reason for this is that it is relatively cheap and, most importantly, it can be made free from perfumes, sodium laurel sulphate (SLS), animal products, parabens & pretty much anything that people can have reactions to.
This type of soap can be very difficult to find for some people, so the option to actually making it for themselves is generally a good and fun one.
So to get started I have devised a list for you all, through hours of research, that I hope well set you on your way to making organic soap.
How To Make Organic Soap
- One pair of good elbow length gloves
- Quality safety goggles
- A 10 litre pouring jug
- 2 x large plastic or wooden mixing spoon
- A thermometer
- Some food scales
- Large roll of plastic food wrap
- 1 x 15 litre stainless steel pot
- 2 meters of acrylic
- 1 x plastic shoebox lined with plastic wrap
- 2 x tablespoons of dried herb to liking - that is smell
- 350ml of distilled water
- 28 grams of organic cocoa butter
- 113 grams of sodium hydroxide
- 210mls of organic olive oil
- 210mls of organic white coconut oil
- 452 grams of pure vegetable shortening
- A wire cooling rack for your organic soap
Let's Make Our Organic Soap
Firstly, take your plastic box (or any suitable box) and line it with the plastic you have already purchased and of course making sure you have a safe working area - this will be your mold which you will then cut into small pieces.
Place oil/s into steel pot on a low heat. Place the thermometer into the pot making sure the temperature does not exceed 48 degrees Celsius. Melt the oils and then take off stove and let cool to 38 degrees Celsius.
Next, measure the distilled water into one of the plastic pouring container, and set aside. Put on your elbow length gloves and safety glasses - very, very important. Weigh the remaining plastic jug, and then add the 113 grams of Lye to the pitcher (weighing the pitcher first helps to ensure that you get the weight of the Lye correct). Be very careful when working with Lye. Lye is a naturally occurring substance, but it can cause burns if spilled onto the skin. If you do spill it on your skin, rinse with plenty of vinegar. Pour the lye into the plastic pitcher with the distilled water, and stir with one of the plastic spoons until the lye is dissolved. Stir no more than 10 minutes. You can then set the pitcher of Lye and water aside and put the candy thermometer inside. Let it cool to 38 degrees Celsius, this should take about an hour.
Once the Lye mixture is cooled to a manageable temperature, mix it into the stainless steel pot of melted oils. Slowly stir with a plastic spoon. Pour the Lye mixture into the pot of oils. Pour slowly and stir slowly too. Stir for at least 1o minutes, and then set aside. Stir once every 5-10minutes for the next half-hour, you will then notice the mixture begin to thicken gradually. As the mixture increases it's thickness, you may add your dried organic herbs - try Basil, Peppermint, or lemon grass for the aromatic scents.
As the mixture gradually thickens, you are ready to pour the mixture into the plastic lined box.
Pour the mixture slowly, and cover with plastic wrap. Next, wrap the old drapery around the entire box, and set aside for 24 hours. It is best to put the box in a well ventilated, safe area that is free from children and pets. Don't unwrap the box, as you do not want the heat to escape.
After 24 hours put on your rubber gloves and take the box. The box could possibly be still be warm, so be try to be careful. The organic soap should be solid, but if it's not, re-wrap and leave for another few hours .
It the soap is is hard, cut it right away. Remove the block of soap from shoebox. You will have a perfectly large square of soap. Simply cut into bars with a long, sharp knife. The bars will then need to be placed on a wire rack and set aside for 4 weeks. The soap needs this time to "cure"; the longer you wait the better the soap's texture and herbal smell.
Once the soap has cured, store the store in paper bags rather than plastic as it can be quite soft. Organic soap wrapped in plastic tends to make soaps sweat, whereas paper is porous and will protect the soap for a year or more. Try experimenting with a variety of different herbs for surprising scents. You can also experiment with the different textures, thickness, and shapes of soap.
Happy organic soap making.
Down To Earth Organics
Monday, August 18, 2008
Mixing Baby Rice In A Bottle
If you are out to choose a baby cereal choose one that does not contain any preservatives, preferably certified organic, does not contain any added salt and if sweetened make sure it is with fruit juice only. Try Holle Organic Rice Porridge.
It's amazing how many mother's ask me how to mix rice cereal or porridge into a baby bottle. Well there are a number of ways but, from my experience, this is the best way.
Mixing Baby Rice In A Bottle
- Sterilize baby bottle and teat
- Add required formula to baby bottle - as per direction
- Add 1-4 teaspoons of rice cereal/porridge
- Fill bottle with boiling water to slightly under halfway (does not matter what size bottle as measurement are all relative)
- Screw teat on and shake until all ingredients are absorbed into water
- Add cold, filtered water from fridge till full
- Shake again to mix cold water, hot water and cereal
- Temperature and mix should be perfect
Good luck.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Homemade Child Safe Natural Cleaning Products
However, with the cost of living rising sharply over the last few years people, and especially parents with small kids, have been searching for safe cleaning alternatives that can be made in the home - that is not to mention the effects chemical cleaners have on our precious environment. To that I will say that there is a natural and safe cleaning solution to every for pretty much every mud, grease & pureed carrot or bilberry stain out there in baby & toddler land.
Stain Removal Tips - part 1
- Blackberry - sponge with a borax or vinegar solution
- Beetroot - if the stain is on cotton soak in cold water which contain 1 x tablespoon of salt that has dissolved. You could also soak in milk for 2 hours then wash in cold water. Last option is to soak a piece of bread in water and then resting it on the stain until the bread has absorbed the stain
- Chocolate - sponge in borax or vinegar solution
- Chewing gum - put the clothing in a plastic bag, put in the freezer for 3 hours. Scrape off the gum with something sharp then scrub with eucalyptus oil
- Grass - soap and water will usually get out most grass stains but if a stain persists scrub with white sugar, leave for an hour then wash
Did you know that 50% of phosphates that pass through our sewers into our oceans come from home cleaning chemical products!
It's easy being green.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
How do I get my baby to drink baby formula?
Upon reflection I laugh at the speed and response I gave and how easy it was to come up with. I started by asking her had she ever tried formula, her response was a big NO and then gawked when I said it tasted like cardboard - haa.
"From my experience most babies have an extremely sweet tooth", I said, and you really can't blame them. I then recommended that she add 2 x teaspoons of organic Holle Apple & Bilberry baby food (or any organic fruit baby food). Given that her baby was 7 months old she agreed that this would really work and couldn't believe she didn't think of it.
This advice was obviously given knowing that the mother had tried absolutely everything to get her baby to drink formula. If you would like more information on formula feeding babies click here.
Hope this helps.
Down To Earth Organics
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Store Wars - organic vegetables impersonate your favourite Star Wars characters
Anyway, seriously, I was looking at what was on t.v for the week and noticed Star Wars was hitting the screen again, excited, I pencilled a dinner date with R2D2 and perhaps even a quiet beverage.
Whilst basking in the moment, which I like to prolong and as long as possible, a little gift just appeared through a generous customer - in the spirit of the Secret I must say. What was it? It's called Store Wars and I feel compelled to share it with you all. As the title of this post suggests Store Wars is a short film about the fight of the organic industry against the GM mass produced fruit and veg that frequents most retailers stores worldwide.
It really is very well done and features characters such as Cuke (Luke Skywalker and played by a Cucumber) and my personal favourite Chewbroccoli (Chewbacca played by a piece of broccoli).
See Store Wars, hope you enjoy!
Down To Earth Organics
Boon BPA free baby accessories

The BPA scare continues and so does the research into baby products that contain non-toxic materials - it really isn't easy...but then there was Boon.
The name Boon, as I have since found, means a benefit bestowed - how perfectly appropriate. Boon say their products "bring style and innovation to your home and your life...". That is a truly humble statement from a company whose focus is on safety and practicality.
Personally, I think Boon products are fantastic. They are affordable, safe, non-toxic and FUN. In particular the Modware (BPA free cuttlery) and Snack Ball (BPA free food storage gadget) are real winners.
People have been telling us for years about the dangers of plastic, containing BPA, so it's about time some people are finally listening.
Down To Earth Organics
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Safeties Nappies - biodegradable nappy first
I put put an order in for both our retail store, online store and our 5 month old baby when they finally came out in November last year.
Well, as quick as they arrived they have disappeared! I can't find them anywhere and nobody seems to know what has happened to them. Can anyone help?
Perhaps they were not as biodegradable as first thought...after all if the nappy is placed into a plastic bag, then dumped into landfill it pretty much negates the whole ethos of the nappy manufacturer.
Just a thought.
BPA In Baby Bottles - Glass Baby Bottle
This scary discovery also found that BPA actually attacked the estrogen levels in growing girls and affected puberty. BPA is an estrogen-mimicking chemical found in most plastic baby feeding bottles. This toxic compound could be potentially posing risks to the brain development of babies and young children. BPA may cause things like early puberty in girls and breast tissue in boys.
I call upon the Australian government to follow Canada's lead and ban baby feeding bottles that contain BPA. My baby, until recently, was using what I thought was a trusted brand in Avent. All the Avent baby bottle are now in the bin and we are using BPA free plastic bottles like Milk and Tickles & Green ,To Grow, and glass baby bottles too.