Sunday, November 1, 2009

Breastfeeding And Bottle Feeding - my experience

We have recently had some very negative feedback about the information provided on this page of our site - some of which has been rather abusive to say the least! Despite the tone in which it is delivered, we welcome feedback and take on board everything that is expressed to us. There were some comments made on the site which were based on personal experience and opinions (aren't we all entitled to this?) - that may have appeared to be pro formula and anti breastfeeding - which of course is not our intention. We do apologise that these comments have offended some people and as a result they have been removed.

I wish to make it clear that we are neither pro breastfeeding or pro formula feeding. We are merely trying to provide information (including personal experiences) and chemical free products for those mothers who can not, or choose not to breastfeed.

Like most things in life, the choice to breastfeed is a personal one, but sadly not a choice that all mothers are presented with. I solely breastfed my beautiful angel from the second she was born, however after a couple of weeks I visited my lactation nurse and was horrified to find that she had lost a considerable about of weight. Honestly, it was one of the worst days of my life - I felt I was a failure as a mother. I was reduced to tears, my poor baby - she must be so hungry - how could I let this happen! I fed her as often as I humanly could, but unfortunately I was unable to produce enough milk to satisfy her - particularly as she was a very large bubba (10 pounds 7 at birth). I ate well, took vitamins and herbs such as blessed thistle and fenugreek to help my flow, but unfortunately I still did not produce enough. It was suggested to me that I could take a particular drug to assist with my milk flow, but I have a strong anti drug policy (particularly when breastfeeding!) so this was not an option for me.

My lactation nurse recommend that I supplement feed her with formula, and within a week she had gained weight, started sleeping well, and I started to regain my sanity. I continued to feed her with both bottle and breast until she was ready to be weaned, and whilst I adored breastfeeding her - she was never as satisfied after a breastfeed as she was after a bottle feed. This would not be the case for everyone of course - but it was certainly the case for me. Of course, I suffered a great degree of guilt and a sense of failure that I could not solely breastfeed her - but as I watched her thrive and develop in to a beautiful healthy child, I knew that all that mattered was she was happy and healthy - regardless of where she was getting her milk from.

She is now 2 and a half and she has never been sick - despite being unimmunised - and is the most beautiful, healthy. happy child in the world (well, we think so anyway). From 12 weeks old, she has slept 12 hours straight every night, and 2 hours every day, she has no allergies, is tall and strong, and is as bright as a spark. Now - there is no doubt that my child enjoys the blessing of optimum health due to her being breastfed - however I have to say that I believe formula also provided her with wonderful nutrients, and prevented her from being hungry. I received a comment from on lady who claimed that formula fed babies are "deprived". Of course I find this comment highly offensive - as would all mothers who formula feed. My child has never, and will never be "deprived" of anything - especially nutrients! So, I have to say that feeding my precious angel with formula was in no way detrimental to her health. But again - this is simply my experience.

Unfortunately, when I was struggling with breastfeeding and trying to find the most natural way of bottle feeding my child - there were very few sites that sold organic formula and it was almost impossible to find baby bottles that did not contain Bisphenol A in them. This, was one of the main reasons we had for starting this business. I want to be able to provide those mothers who can't, or choose not to breastfeed - with chemcial free alternatives - and help alleviate the guilt they may suffer as a result of not breastfeeding.

I have many friends and customers who have had differing experiences with breastfeeding. Some have breastfed up until their children are 2, some until 6 months, some, like me have breast and bottle fed, and some have chosen not to breastfeed at all. Whilst I may not agree with some of their decisions, I still embrace them and understand that this is a very sensitive subject for some mothers - therefore I would never dream of criticising them for the choices they have made. Acceptance brings peace. And lets be honest - the last thing we need in those first few months of parenthood is criticism. So, next time you see a baby being fed from the breast, or from the bottles, smile, and be happy that that child has someone to love and care for it and that it is being nourished.

Love and light


Further information:

Australian Breast Feeding Association - here
Information regarding formula - here
Information regarding herbs that may assist with milk flow - here
A wonderful lady Michelle who lives in our local area in far north NSW, who offers incredible advice on all things bubba related - here
World Health Organisation information on breastfeeding - here
Australian Government information on bottle feeding - here
All about the pros and cons of bottle and breastfeeding - here

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Breastfeeding And Bottle Feeding - my experience

We have recently had some very negative feedback about the information provided on this page of our site - some of which has been rather abusive to say the least! Despite the tone in which it is delivered, we welcome feedback and take on board everything that is expressed to us. There were some comments made on the site which were based on personal experience and opinions (aren't we all entitled to this?) - that may have appeared to be pro formula and anti breastfeeding - which of course is not our intention. We do apologise that these comments have offended some people and as a result they have been removed.

I wish to make it clear that we are neither pro breastfeeding or pro formula feeding. We are merely trying to provide information (including personal experiences) and chemical free products for those mothers who can not, or choose not to breastfeed.

Like most things in life, the choice to breastfeed is a personal one, but sadly not a choice that all mothers are presented with. I solely breastfed my beautiful angel from the second she was born, however after a couple of weeks I visited my lactation nurse and was horrified to find that she had lost a considerable about of weight. Honestly, it was one of the worst days of my life - I felt I was a failure as a mother. I was reduced to tears, my poor baby - she must be so hungry - how could I let this happen! I fed her as often as I humanly could, but unfortunately I was unable to produce enough milk to satisfy her - particularly as she was a very large bubba (10 pounds 7 at birth). I ate well, took vitamins and herbs such as blessed thistle and fenugreek to help my flow, but unfortunately I still did not produce enough. It was suggested to me that I could take a particular drug to assist with my milk flow, but I have a strong anti drug policy (particularly when breastfeeding!) so this was not an option for me.

My lactation nurse recommend that I supplement feed her with formula, and within a week she had gained weight, started sleeping well, and I started to regain my sanity. I continued to feed her with both bottle and breast until she was ready to be weaned, and whilst I adored breastfeeding her - she was never as satisfied after a breastfeed as she was after a bottle feed. This would not be the case for everyone of course - but it was certainly the case for me. Of course, I suffered a great degree of guilt and a sense of failure that I could not solely breastfeed her - but as I watched her thrive and develop in to a beautiful healthy child, I knew that all that mattered was she was happy and healthy - regardless of where she was getting her milk from.

She is now 2 and a half and she has never been sick - despite being unimmunised - and is the most beautiful, healthy. happy child in the world (well, we think so anyway). From 12 weeks old, she has slept 12 hours straight every night, and 2 hours every day, she has no allergies, is tall and strong, and is as bright as a spark. Now - there is no doubt that my child enjoys the blessing of optimum health due to her being breastfed - however I have to say that I believe formula also provided her with wonderful nutrients, and prevented her from being hungry. I received a comment from on lady who claimed that formula fed babies are "deprived". Of course I find this comment highly offensive - as would all mothers who formula feed. My child has never, and will never be "deprived" of anything - especially nutrients! So, I have to say that feeding my precious angel with formula was in no way detrimental to her health. But again - this is simply my experience.

Unfortunately, when I was struggling with breastfeeding and trying to find the most natural way of bottle feeding my child - there were very few sites that sold organic formula and it was almost impossible to find baby bottles that did not contain Bisphenol A in them. This, was one of the main reasons we had for starting this business. I want to be able to provide those mothers who can't, or choose not to breastfeed - with chemcial free alternatives - and help alleviate the guilt they may suffer as a result of not breastfeeding.

I have many friends and customers who have had differing experiences with breastfeeding. Some have breastfed up until their children are 2, some until 6 months, some, like me have breast and bottle fed, and some have chosen not to breastfeed at all. Whilst I may not agree with some of their decisions, I still embrace them and understand that this is a very sensitive subject for some mothers - therefore I would never dream of criticising them for the choices they have made. Acceptance brings peace. And lets be honest - the last thing we need in those first few months of parenthood is criticism. So, next time you see a baby being fed from the breast, or from the bottles, smile, and be happy that that child has someone to love and care for it and that it is being nourished.

Love and light


Further information:

Australian Breast Feeding Association - here
Information regarding formula - here
Information regarding herbs that may assist with milk flow - here
A wonderful lady Michelle who lives in our local area in far north NSW, who offers incredible advice on all things bubba related - here
World Health Organisation information on breastfeeding - here
Australian Government information on bottle feeding - here
All about the pros and cons of bottle and breastfeeding - here