In recent months many of you would have noticed that there seems to be a dwindling supply of natural insect repellents available on our website, this can be attributed to a crack-down on ‘natural insect repellents’ by the APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority). As the name suggests, the APVMA is a government body established to centralise the registration of all agricultural and veterinary chemical products on the Australian market.
So what does the APVMA have to do with natural insect repellents?
According to the APVMA, an ‘agricultural chemical product’ includes any substance or organism used to destroy, stupefy, repel, inhibit the feeding of, or prevent pests on plants or other things (including us humans). This means for any manufacturer of a product that makes claim to any of these properties (natural or otherwise) is required to register their product with the APVMA before they can make statements like: ‘Contains natural botanical extracts to help repel biting insects’. Registration of a product with the APVMA is a lengthy and costly process, taking several years and potentially 100s of thousands of dollars.
The outcome of this crack-down by the APVMA has meant that many manufacturers of natural insect repellents have simply chosen to take their product off the market. However, there have been a handful of manufacturers that have taken the ‘mozzie by the proboscis’ (so to speak) and have simply chosen to re-label their products to avoid making any claims to ‘repel insects’. The following products are available on our website www.downtoearthorganics.com.au they have been creatively re-labelled to allow the continued supply of these great products on the market. Please support the manufacturers of these products so that Australians can enjoy the benefits of the outdoors without having to douse ourselves in toxic chemicals:
Mozzie F.O. Natural Insect Repellent has now been re-labelled as: Mozzie F.O. Natural Skin Lotion.
Lemon Myrtle Fragrances Natural Insect Protection is now called Lemon Myrtle Fragrances Antiseptic Topical Spray.
& Cherub Rubs Scatterbugs is now Cherub Rubs Skin Guard.