Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bisphenol A (BPA) Exposure Linked With Thyroid Problems in Pregnancy

According to a new study by researchers in Berkeley, California, bisphenol A (BPA), an estrogen-like compound has been linked to changes in thyroid hormone levels in pregnant women and newborn boys.

In this study, the researchers analysed the bisphenol A levels in the urine samples of 335 women during the second half of their pregnancy, the thyroid hormone blood samples taken from the mothers during pregnancy and from the newborns within a few days of birth.

The researchers found that with increased exposure to BPA during pregnancy, total thyroxine (T4) blood levels would decrease proportionately, suggesting a hypothyroid effect. In newborn boys, increased exposure to BPA was linked to a significant decrease in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), suggesting a hyperthyroid effect.

Several studies in recent years have linked lower thyroid hormone levels to delays in cognitive and motor development in children. It is also suggested that even small changes in thyroid levels, even within the normal range may still have an effect on thinking skills, behaviour and growth.

It was interesting to note that the studies did not show any link with BPA and newborn girls, suggesting the presence of higher levels of a BPA metabolising enzyme as found in previous studies with animals.
Due to the increased sensitivity of pregnant women to chemicals and toxins in the environment, and the vulnerability of fetuses to this exposure, avoidance of bisphenol A during pregnancy of paramount importance both for pregnant women and those wishing to conceive.

While complete avoidance of bisphenol A is a challenge in today’s ‘throw-away’ society, conscious reduction of exposure can be achieved through the use of BPA free food storage containers and drink containers in the home.

Here at Down To Earth Organics we have a great range of BPA free baby bottles, water bottles and food storage containers designed to keep your body free from chemicals such as bisphenol A, PCBs, leads & phthalates.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bisphenol A (BPA) Exposure Linked With Thyroid Problems in Pregnancy

According to a new study by researchers in Berkeley, California, bisphenol A (BPA), an estrogen-like compound has been linked to changes in thyroid hormone levels in pregnant women and newborn boys.

In this study, the researchers analysed the bisphenol A levels in the urine samples of 335 women during the second half of their pregnancy, the thyroid hormone blood samples taken from the mothers during pregnancy and from the newborns within a few days of birth.

The researchers found that with increased exposure to BPA during pregnancy, total thyroxine (T4) blood levels would decrease proportionately, suggesting a hypothyroid effect. In newborn boys, increased exposure to BPA was linked to a significant decrease in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), suggesting a hyperthyroid effect.

Several studies in recent years have linked lower thyroid hormone levels to delays in cognitive and motor development in children. It is also suggested that even small changes in thyroid levels, even within the normal range may still have an effect on thinking skills, behaviour and growth.

It was interesting to note that the studies did not show any link with BPA and newborn girls, suggesting the presence of higher levels of a BPA metabolising enzyme as found in previous studies with animals.
Due to the increased sensitivity of pregnant women to chemicals and toxins in the environment, and the vulnerability of fetuses to this exposure, avoidance of bisphenol A during pregnancy of paramount importance both for pregnant women and those wishing to conceive.

While complete avoidance of bisphenol A is a challenge in today’s ‘throw-away’ society, conscious reduction of exposure can be achieved through the use of BPA free food storage containers and drink containers in the home.

Here at Down To Earth Organics we have a great range of BPA free baby bottles, water bottles and food storage containers designed to keep your body free from chemicals such as bisphenol A, PCBs, leads & phthalates.