Bottle water is one of the most profitable business ideas ever thought up by man and woman. Tap water is essentially free, so why do we spend so much money chasing bottled water?
If you didn't know the health standards used in the production of food do not apply to the bottling of water, compared to that of the tap water we drink everyday. Often bottled water labels will claim miracle cures to this and that, but there is still no real evidence to back these claims. In fact, despite the claims of the manufacturer's it's possible that the bottles water came from a very ordinary source and possibly contaminated also.
Not only are you wasting you hard earned cash buying a potentially dodgy coming from a tap, but you are buying something that has spent a lot of time being transported using a lot of energy. The easiest and greenest way to avoid buying bottles water is simply to take your own - using a water container that will not break down too.
Water Facts
- 2.5 million tonnes of plastic is used each year - worldwide
- Prices ranging from $0.48 - $4.40 per litre, bottles water can be more expensive that petrol
- In 2004 its estimated that the world drank 154 billion litres of bottles water
- One of Australia's most trusted brands of water uses 1.3L of water to make 1L of bottles water
- 1L of Fiji Water sold in Australia emits 431g of CO2 to reach our shores