So much hype surrounds the little plastic bag. In fact, I heard through my reputable industry sources that a major supermarket chain in Australia just bought 1 billion green reusable bags. Now, lets have a think about this...let's say they bought the bags for between 5-10 cents each, that would be a significant outlay would it not. However, selling then for between $1 and $1.50, that billion dollars is looking more like a profit of more than 12 million, once all the bags have been sold - nice money if you can get it huh. If you would like more information of reusable bags or to see our products click here.
So I now go back to the title of this blog - Are Plastic Bags Really A Menace? I guess it really depends who you talk to about it. The major supermarket chain who spent the billion dollars on reusable green bags sure thinks plastic bags are bad. Not only will they make and estimated 12 million dollars profit on green reusable bags but we will be all using way less plastic bags which then adds a huge amount of money to their bottom line too.
I really had not given much thought to it until recently reading that plastic bags only represent two percent of total waste - YES 2%!
I smell a very intelligent marketing campaign.
PS - I do not in any way condone the use of plastic bags.