I believe we go about getting rid of smells the wrong way. It makes more sense to seek the source of the problem, improve ventilation, rather than mask nasty smells with chemical filled quick fixes.
There are a number of ways you could go about getting rid of unwanted smells in the house. One way is flowers - a bowl of rose petals, lavender, geraniums, rosemary or even mint. Placed in the bathroom, kitchen or living area these gorgeous smelling flowers and herbs will give a constant, chemical free, pleasant aroma to your home & they are cheap too. Eucalyptus oil will also do a great job, effectively and cheaply.
If you didn't know indoor plants are a super way to soak up unwanted odors too. They are relatively cheap and obviously look great too.
There is also another way and that is to get a natural air freshener. These products contain:
- No animal by-products
- No petro-chemicals
- No mineral oils
- No artificial colours or fragrances
Stay clean, stay green.